Give up carrier, get leg back ? ;) :) But then again... a robot leg could make akward sounds... it could get defect... which would even be more akward... it could malfunction which would be super akward... It could also be cool... maybe it can do cool tricks... or maybe it's super strong... It could also be used to "hide" a weapon... Hmmm I ... 12 Jan 2010 07:58
Yeah, but he is retired ?! Ok, Finally to answer my own question: Did the guy get filthy rich ? My best bet: Probably yeah... he should have some money... he worked at IBM... maybe he get nice stock options... :) Maybe like a whole lot of stock options ! ;) :) The patent is from 1996... by that time there were decent computers ... 12 Jan 2010 07:58
Ok he didn't die, but there is something else fishy... Hey man... Ok he didn't die... that was a mistake of me... But there is something else which caught my attention... which is kinda fishy: Apperently this guy "analyzed" a sound tape of the killing of JFK. And look what weirdness is written down: " Agarwal observed that the recordings containing the so... 12 Jan 2010 07:58
Ohh that's juicy: Inventors mysterisly killed in car-crash ?! Ok, Now that I look at the patent again it says: "International Bussiness Machines" which means "big" I.B.M. And the patent was assigned to this guy, who mysteriously died in a car-crash ?! Hmmm... this smells fishy to me... does IBM or someboy else have blood on their hands ?! Did they "order" his as... 12 Jan 2010 07:58
What's in a name Let us imagine a black box that receives signals from various components and asserts signals to various components. Together the black box and the components are a processor. Now let us imaging that there is a well known implementation of this black box with a well defined name that receives and asserts exactly ... 18 Jan 2010 06:24
D2007: Typecasting 32 bit integer/longword to 32 bit single floating point not possible ?!? (GPU floating point format questions) When it comes to programming the GPU/7900 GTX/Shader Model 3.0/VP40/VP40 profile it seems three floating point formats are interesting/available: 1. "Single floating point format" also know as IEE 754 which is probably the floating point format used by Delphi in the single type as well as CPU processors (?): ... 6 Jan 2010 08:26
Battlefield All-In-One package/folder (version 0.05) now available ! :) Ok, I think it's time I show you people the correct code... however I have no time to port the Delphi code to Free Basic... Also the correct Delphi code (in full) is not yet released. However it is possible for anybody out there that is interested in a fix to fix yourself by following the following instruc... 3 Jan 2010 17:09
International Journal of Electronics, Information and Systems (IJEIS) Call for Paper The International Journal of Electronics, Information and Systems (IJEIS) publish original papers on all subjects relevant to electronics, computer science, communication network, and information systems. The highest priority will be given to those contributions concerned with a discussion of the background of a pr... 1 Jan 2010 05:26
questions about x86 Hi,all I have no experience in x86 assembly coding previously, but may need to optimize code on PC. So I begin to read the manuals doawloaded from Intel's website. In the diagram of intel core microarchitecture, there are several execution clusers behind scheduler. It says several execution cluser can execute I... 29 Dec 2009 08:33
Fujitsu SPARC VIII-fx HPC-ACE adds instruction prefixes: variable length instructions for RISC!!! Bart Swinnen wrote: EricP wrote: I believe Mitch is referring to potential new hardware functionality like AMD's Advanced Synchronization Facility proposal. I can't seem to find any info on it on the AMD website as the proposal seems to have degenerated into just a registered trademark notice. ... 29 Dec 2009 13:00 |