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From: robin on 1 Jul 2010 09:23 "Ron Shepard" <ron-shepard(a)> wrote in message news:ron-shepard-AFCEBB.14012429062010(a) | In article <Vu2dnZxfzsu_c7TRnZ2dnUVZ_gOdnZ2d(a)>, | "Gary L. Scott" <garylscott(a)> wrote: | | > > I would tend to believe that C, C++, and C# can do more than Fortran | > > can do. Just an educated guess on my part. | > | > Many of those complex structures are ill-advised abominations. | | A good example of this is multidimensional arrays which I indicated | earlier. Since C did not allow these (except with constant dimensions, | I think was the exception), everyone was forced to implement various | hacks to work around this shortcoming of the language. No-one is "forced" to use it. There are other languages easily handle multiply-dimensioned arrays.
From: robin on 1 Jul 2010 09:26 "glen herrmannsfeldt" <gah(a)> wrote in message news:i0grfv$ije$2(a) | Lynn McGuire <lmc(a)> wrote: | (snip) | | > 48 bit char pointer and 32 bit integer pointer, nasty ! | | > When we ported our fortran to the IBM mainframe from the Univac 1108 | > in 1975, we ran into a major problem. All of the machines that we | > had supported to that date were 36 bits or more using 6 bit bytes. | > So, our hollerith had 6HABCDEF all over the place. We had to | > change that to 4HABCD plus 2HEF. It was a major effort to change. | | Some might have instead used REAL*8 (or DOUBLE PRECISION). | It is convenient of S/360 not to normalize data on load | store operations. The S/360 has nothing to do with the topic. In any case, INTEGER would have provided an appropriate choice.
From: Colin Paul Gloster on 1 Jul 2010 09:59 On Wed, 30 Jun 2010, Robert Myers sent: |---------------------------------------------------| |"[..] | | | |Which language is fastest? Assembly language, [..]| |[..] | | | |[..]" | |---------------------------------------------------| VHDL produces even faster implementations.
From: Colin Paul Gloster on 1 Jul 2010 10:03 On Wed, 30 Jun 2010, Lynn McGuire sent: |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |"[..] | | | |You would not believe how many letters I get to Ms. Lynn McGuire.| |It is a clue that they are spam and do not even get opened." | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| Important mail for me which I wanted to read used to be addressed to Mrs. C. P. Gloster. Though I am not female, a former employer referred to me by a female pronoun in a letter of reference.
From: Colin Paul Gloster on 1 Jul 2010 10:08
On Wed, 30 Jun 2010, Dogstar sent: |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |""Steve Fry" <scfry(a)> wrote in message | |news:7XsWn.305$5N3.154(a) | |... | |> Since the CPUs on todays computers are not getting any faster (as was | |> promised 20 years ago), my main concern is what will crunch numbers | |> faster. | |... | |> -- Steve F. | | | |Steve, you must have a particular type of number crunching in mind. | |Multi-core CPUs [..] | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| A "multi-core CPU" is a euphemism for many CPUs. |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"[..] | | | |Also, graphical CPUs (GPUs) have been demonstrably been getting faster--much| |faster. [..] | |[..] | | | |[..]" | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Fair enough. |