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From: glen herrmannsfeldt on 29 Jun 2010 02:16 Ron Shepard <ron-shepard(a)> wrote: > In article > <08ad53e3-f827-4d57-896b-cf6bc245003e(a)>, > rfengineer55 <rfengineer55(a)> wrote: >> What can Fortran do that C, C++, C# can't? > One of the most important things a fortran compiler can do is that it > can compile fortran programs. There are millions of lines of legacy > fortran, both in programs and in library routines. > I think all of these are complete programming languages in the sense > that you can do anything that can be programmed. You can write a > fortran compiler in the other languages, for example, and compile > fortran programs (like gfortran does). Or you could write a lisp > machine in these languages and run lisp programs. And so on. There are many Fortran compilers written in C, as far as I know, no C compilers written in Fortran. -- glen
From: Gib Bogle on 29 Jun 2010 02:49 Jerry DeLisle wrote: > In spite of all the arguments, Fortran (as it continues to evolve) is at > a very minimum, damn good! I don't like Fortran oh no I love it!
From: glen herrmannsfeldt on 29 Jun 2010 02:50 Ron Shepard <ron-shepard(a)> wrote: (snip) >> C can handle some complex pointer structures. Especially arrays of pointers. > Oh yeah, that reminds me of complex arithmetic support. It has been > part of standard fortran since the 60's. It has, but the library support for it wasn't so complete until somewhat later. Fortran 66, for example, doesn't allow for (complex)**(complex). Also, only single precision complex until much later than the 60's. A large part of the Fortran code doing complex arithmetic, such as just about every FFT implementation, uses arrays of REAL (or maybe DOUBLE PRECISION). (snip) -- glen
From: Leclerc on 29 Jun 2010 03:02 On 06/29/2010 01:03 AM, Lynn McGuire wrote: I'm also full-time C++ developer, working in the environment where FORTRAN is also used. > Me, myself and I, we all prefer C++. I like strong typing and > mandatory function prototypes. I also like function overloading. Just for the sake of truth: C++ is *far more* than just strong typing and overloading. These are just scratch on the surface of the language On the other hand, C++ is quite (very?) complex, and it has very steep learning curve. If someone already knows FORTRAN (read: any programming language), and it fulfils all his needs, there is absolutely no reason to switch to another language. > > However, I find that the programmer is more important than the > language. Good programmers can write good code in any language. > Bad programmers can screw anything up. I second this one.
From: Ian Bush on 29 Jun 2010 03:52
On Jun 29, 8:02 am, Leclerc <gordan.sikic.rem...(a)> wrote: > > > I'm also full-time C++ developer, working in the environment where > FORTRAN is also used. Just a nitpick - it's spelt Fortran, and has been for around 20 years despite what Microsoft claim, Ian |