From: Michael on
> Well, with web pages now needing about 500kb per site this is
> difficult to do with a 64kb computer with 1 mhz and 16 colors. It might
> be interesting having programms there which can do this and that but it
> might be very hard making them usable for everydays usage.

Which is why you use a REU. The 1541U has a 16Meg REU on it. I use a
512k REU with my MMC replay. When viewing webpages, it is like using
the good old Unix/Linux program Lynx. Its down and dirty and removed
pictures. It more of, can I do it, then everyday use, though. Which
how most feel about the Commodore, besides playing games of course.
From: BruceMcF on
On Mar 11, 3:47 am, Rudolf Harras <rudi...(a)>

> So I think making a new application or game might be more useful than a
> new OS.

The *use* of an OS is to run programs.

The question to answer is not, "wouldn't it be neat if there was an OS
that made it easier to do X, Y or Z?", but, "what new OS would allow
the most programs to be made the most widely available to the most

The most promising is probably:

As the original author notes:
The reasons for selecting CP/M as the standard are simple. CP/M has
many features including:
* Nearly total hardware independence
* Easy access to operating system primitives
* Easy alteration to accommodate system unique characteristics
* Large library of compatible software that in many cases can be
ported to DOS/65
* Simplicity

None of these claims are overwhelming in themselves, but taken as a
whole they stand as a compelling reason to use CP/M as the format and
structure standard for a 6502 operating system.

What it needs is development tools ... though it already has a 6502
assembler, as any CP/M 2.2 system ought to do ... but since its a
command line oriented OS, and locked into an Application Program
Interface with a thirty-year history behind it, its possible to avoid
getting bogged down in the design of the OS and focus on writing the
utilities and customizing the BIOS for the different hardware

One utility could read and write FAT file systems, to access devices
that use a FAT filesystem to serve 15xx drive images.

With various "soft-ROM" cartridges, one utility could load and launch
cartridge images.

An email utility that follows some classic inbox/outbox format could
allow live email access if the SIM has network support (whether
ethernet or SLIP), and sneakernet email otherwise. Ditto Usenet.

If the SIM has network support, a network chat utility and a ftp file
transfer utility is not far behind.

A range of system and development management tools already existing
could be ported, to allow convenient running from the command line,
and easier integration.

An autostart multi-boot ROM code (programmed to reside in $A000 ...
there are heaps of ways to get a ROM to sit at A$000) could offer a
menu choice between DOS/65, Basic, Load/Run, and a disk manager. The
bulk of the multi-boot ROMspace would be available for holding the DOS/
65 BDOS, called "PEM" for Primitive Execution Module, to be block
copied to its target location.

Then booting would be copying the DOS/65-BDOS, loading the DOS/65-
BIOS, called "SIM" for system interface module (this would be
softloaded, for maximum flexibility in customizing systems for
whatever hardware they have), and do a warm-boot, loading the DOS/65-
CCP, called "CCM" for "Console Command Module" and you are at the
command line.

From: Rudolf Harras on
BruceMcF schrieb:

>The question to answer is not, "wouldn't it be neat if there was an OS
>that made it easier to do X, Y or Z?", but, "what new OS would allow
>the most programs to be made the most widely available to the most

I would like to see the normal C64 OS on a cellphone, that would be
great. :) Then I could do some software for phones again. And with all
the useful games which are far better than these Java games!
From: BruceMcF on
On Mar 11, 4:24 pm, Rudolf Harras <rudi...(a)>
> BruceMcF schrieb:
> >The question to answer is not, "wouldn't it be neat if there was an OS
> >that made it easier to do X, Y or Z?", but, "what new OS would allow
> >the most programs to be made the most widely available to the most
> >people"?
> I would like to see the normal C64 OS on a cellphone, that would be
> great. :) Then I could do some software for phones again. And with all
> the useful games which are far better than these Java games!

Perhaps you mean C64 OS *and* emulated hardware?

After all, how many games will be written that do not use the
graphical screen, direct access to the text display screen and screen
color code register, VIC chip, or any of the other hardware?

clear screen, print to screen, CHARIN and the rest of the Kernal calls
that make up the C64 OS can support a text adventure game ... not much
else. And lots of text mode adventures are in ZIL, which is available
for both Java and Javascript.
From: rich12345 on
On Mar 11, 12:47 am, Rudolf Harras <rudi...(a)>
> What do you do on Computers today? Browsing in the internet and checking
> mails. Well, with web pages now needing about 500kb per site this is
> difficult to do with a 64kb computer with 1 mhz and 16 colors.

use a proxy server....

a computer (modern PC) on the net accepts commands from the browser...

"hey, I need this graphic
in 16 colors,
Y in height
X in width"

the proxy server downloads the image, converts it to the format
desired, and then sends it to the browser....

could also have the server remove JAVA, applescript, etc and get the
html down to a reasonable size

I've been working on an apple II web browser that does graphics this
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