From: Karl E. Peterson on
Paul Clement wrote:
> Karl E. Peterson <karl(a)> wrote:
> � > � Paul Clement wrote:
> � > � > � and you are a disgrace as an MVP.
> � > � >
> � > � > Doesn't really matter.
> � > �
> � > � Yeah, we know you've felt that way for years. So what's the point in
> � > � repeatedly pointing it out, hmmm?
> � >
> � > I suppose it's because of the same silliness that is repeatedly directed
> � > towards me. Do you expect the response to change?
> �
> � Hey, who'm I to argue? If you're okay with being seen as a disgrace,
> � it'd really be pointless anyway...
> You too?

Sorry, thought you knew.

> Hmm...well shucks you'll never please everyone so why spin your
> wheels trying.

It's not been clear exactly who you've been trying to please, over the
last few years, with your antics in this group. It's abundantly clear
that it's not any of the actual participants.

..NET: It's About Trust!

From: Karl E. Peterson on
Tony Girgenti wrote:
> I'm not sure of what you guys are trying to tell me.

He's trying to tell you what caused the error you saw. In fact, he
zeroed right in on it, and I was about to post the same thing until I
saw it'd already happened.

> I just downloaded what i found at FreeImage.SourceForge.Net on the
> recommendation of the repliers to my question.
> It's supposed to work in VB6 right?

It does work with VB6. Somewhere there's a BAS module with all the
proper VB6 declares in it. I have it here, and would be happy to send
it to you, if you'd like to drop me an email.

> There are no instructions on how to use
> the .DLL or the wrapper. I have no idea of what a wrapper is.

A "wrapper" is simply a module that takes one or more complex functions
and exposes a simplified interface to it/them. I agree there are no
*clearcut* instructions on how to use this DLL with VB6 specifically.
But the helpfile for the DLL is extremely thorough. You first need to
find the function that does what you want to do. Then, you look
through the wrapper module, to see how that's called. Btw, the
comments in the wrapper module are also extremely verbose. This *will*
require some reading and applied thought, though. Make no mistake
about that.

..NET: It's About Trust!

From: Tony Girgenti on
Hello Karl.

> It does work with VB6. Somewhere there's a BAS module with all the<
> proper VB6 declares in it. I have it here, and would be happy to send <
> it to you, if you'd like to drop me an email.<

If you are talking the 'mFreeImage.bas' file in the
'\\FreeImage\Wrapper\VB6\mfreeimage\' folder, i already
have that and i added it to the project.

> But the helpfile for the DLL is extremely thorough. <

Are you talking about this file? FreeImage3131.pdf.

I also have that, but i don't see how that helps me understand how to use
FreeImage in my VB 6 application.

I'm still unsure of what to do and how to fix the errors i am getting.


"Karl E. Peterson" wrote:

> Tony Girgenti wrote:
> > I'm not sure of what you guys are trying to tell me.
> He's trying to tell you what caused the error you saw. In fact, he
> zeroed right in on it, and I was about to post the same thing until I
> saw it'd already happened.
> > I just downloaded what i found at FreeImage.SourceForge.Net on the
> > recommendation of the repliers to my question.
> >
> > It's supposed to work in VB6 right?
> It does work with VB6. Somewhere there's a BAS module with all the
> proper VB6 declares in it. I have it here, and would be happy to send
> it to you, if you'd like to drop me an email.
> > There are no instructions on how to use
> > the .DLL or the wrapper. I have no idea of what a wrapper is.
> A "wrapper" is simply a module that takes one or more complex functions
> and exposes a simplified interface to it/them. I agree there are no
> *clearcut* instructions on how to use this DLL with VB6 specifically.
> But the helpfile for the DLL is extremely thorough. You first need to
> find the function that does what you want to do. Then, you look
> through the wrapper module, to see how that's called. Btw, the
> comments in the wrapper module are also extremely verbose. This *will*
> require some reading and applied thought, though. Make no mistake
> about that.
> --
> ..NET: It's About Trust!
> .
From: Henning on
Did you download from the
topmost "
Source distribution"? In the .zip there is
"FreeImage\Wrapper\Vb6\mfreeimage\MFreeImage.bas" that has all declares


"Tony Girgenti" <tony(nospam)> skrev i meddelandet
> Hello Henning and Nobody.
> I'm not sure of what you guys are trying to tell me. I just downloaded
> what
> i found at FreeImage.SourceForge.Net on the recommendation of the repliers
> to
> my question.
> It's supposed to work in VB6 right? There are no instructions on how to
> use
> the .DLL or the wrapper. I have no idea of what a wrapper is.
> Thanks,
> Tony
> "Nobody" wrote:
>> "Tony Girgenti" <tony(nospam)> wrote in message
>> news:4207C6F7-7D62-4C28-9CA4-0016CF8DC5CE(a)
>> > Hello Karl.
>> >
>> > I downloaded and tried to use FreeImage. There is a VB test project
>> > there
>> > but when i try to execute it from the VB 6 IDE, i gives the error
>> > "Compile
>> > Error: Expected list separator or)" on this line:
>> >
>> > Public Declare Function FreeImage_ToneMapping Lib "FreeImage.dll" Alias
>> > "_FreeImage_ToneMapping(a)20" (ByVal dib As Long, UNKNOWN tmo As
>> > FREE_IMAGE_TMO, Optional ByVal first_param As Double = 0, Optional
>> > ByVal
>> > second_param As Double = 0) As Long
>> "UNKNOWN tmo As" is invalid above. One would expect ByVal or ByRef
>> instead
>> of "UNKNOWN". See the declaration that Henning posted.
>> .

From: Paul Clement on
On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 10:28:00 -0800, Karl E. Peterson <karl(a)> wrote:

� Paul Clement wrote:
� > Karl E. Peterson <karl(a)> wrote:
� >
� > � > � Paul Clement wrote:
� > � > � > � and you are a disgrace as an MVP.
� > � > � >
� > � > � > Doesn't really matter.
� > � > �
� > � > � Yeah, we know you've felt that way for years. So what's the point in
� > � > � repeatedly pointing it out, hmmm?
� > � >
� > � > I suppose it's because of the same silliness that is repeatedly directed
� > � > towards me. Do you expect the response to change?
� > �
� > � Hey, who'm I to argue? If you're okay with being seen as a disgrace,
� > � it'd really be pointless anyway...
� >
� > You too?

� Sorry, thought you knew.

� > Hmm...well shucks you'll never please everyone so why spin your
� > wheels trying.

� It's not been clear exactly who you've been trying to please, over the
� last few years, with your antics in this group. It's abundantly clear
� that it's not any of the actual participants.

You mean the "peanut gallery"? So few in that group, tolerance is minimal, so
pleasing them is futile. I simply try to help those with questions and they
don't seem to get upset if I mention .NET.

What about your antics? You stir up more trouble than I do. Oh, that's right
it's OK because it's against Microsoft or someone like David Mark (a buffoon but
easily ignored). ;-)

In any event, I stayed away from this newsgroup for quite a while. But when I
returned and started reading the posts, it was the same old sniping. So quite
obviously *my* lack of presence didn't change a thing.

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)