From: pmz on
On 29 Lip, 17:51, Lew <l...(a)> wrote:
> pmz wrote:
> > I've discovered that such enthusiasm was not found by me in the C/C++
> > (or plenty more devlangs) sections of google groups, that's weird,
> > isn't it?
> This isn't a "section of Google Groups" (despite that I'm using GG to
> post this response right now).  Google Groups merely echoes the Usenet
> forum, and really isn't even the best way to access the forum.  GG
> echoes tons of spam and other garbage that other newsgroup servers
> filter, and the browser has no capability to filter the spam that does
> get through.  Google for "newsgroup reader", or use Mozilla
> Thunderbird as a minimally acceptable client.  You will need to
> connect to a newsgroup server - like a mail server but specifically
> for news feeds - to get the good experience.

Don't be so precise, but I'll think about it - thank you. Anyway, the
Google gives me ability to "read and share wherever I am" the usenet.

> > Now I'm pretty sure that I may share any of my problems here and they
> > won't stay without an answer.
> Of course you will have to deal with posters like me who reply
> enthusiastically but not always kindly, humbly or diplomatically.
> Bear in mind that sarcasm or rhetorical tricks don't necessarily
> indicate unhelpful responses; sometimes one is cruel to be kind.  To
> pick one of the most popular examples, the initialism "GIYF", or
> "Google Is Your Friend", is dismissive in tone but embodies the
> extremely empowering advice to use the search tools available to find
> answers rather than ask stupid questions.  Build a man a fire and you
> warm him for an hour.  Set a man on fire and you warm him for the rest
> of his life.
> Kidding aside, most of us most of the time mean to help whether or not
> we add attitude as a bonus feature.  Also, Usenet is a discussion
> medium, not a help desk.  You usually can get good advice, but much of
> the joy comes from the spirited discussion and diversity of opinions
> people express.
> --
> Lew

True, true and true. I'm not afraid of Google power so at first I look
for answers there. Unfortunately, some things are not found, because
they are not just syntax or function questions - the ideas and
techniques rarely are posted. Nevertheless, I did find some
interesting topics, Q&A, FAQ or tutorials, which I read carefully and
tried to follow them. As you see, I do not ask for "how do I declare a
Object variable?", because such answers are found in each manual

The sarcasm you've mentioned - believe me, I know what you are talking
about and I'm kind of immune for it.

All the best,
Przemek M. Zawada
From: pmz on
On 29 Lip, 15:57, Tom Anderson <t...(a)> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2010, pmz wrote:
> > I'd like to have ONE default JSP page (which obviously contains a
> > webpage main layout - styles, scripts, tables, images, etc.). In few
> > places I have some dynamical stuff (such as parameter-regarded menu
> > display or also parameter-regarded body display).
> > Shall I use you <c:choose/> method for further inclusion of required
> > jsp-sub-pages?
> No. You're doing this all wrong. Or rather, you're doing it all PHP, which
> in JSP means wrong.
> Use separate pages for the different pages, and a tag file to define the
> common structure:
> A tag file is the analog of a framework method in code; it can write a
> load of HTML, but can also invoke fragments passed by the original
> invoker.
> For example, given a tag file like this (call it main.tag):
> <%@ attribute name="content" required="true" fragment="true" %>
> <html>
>   <body>
>    <h1>PMZ's SUPER SITE</h1>
>    <jsp:invoke fragment="content"/>
>   </body>
> </html>
> You could write a JSP like this:
> <%@ taglib prefix="mytags" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
> <mytags:main>
>   <jsp:attribute name="content">
>    <p>Some content.</p>
>   </jsp:attribute>
> </mytags:main>
> This would invoke the main.tag to build the page structure, which would
> then call down to the fragment defined in the JSP. You can have multiple
> fragments, and also use normal content of the tag via <jsp:doBody/>.
> tom
> --
> The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures
> the disease. -- Voltaire

I think I'm getting it now.

From: Przemek M. Zawada on
W dniu 2010-07-28 22:00, markspace pisze:
> In the WEB-INF/web.xml file, you'd bind a pattern to a name, like this:
> <servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-name>MainPlugIn</servlet-name>
> <url-pattern>/myPlugin</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> That replaces mod_rewrite, and maps the url pattern after your hostname
> to the name MainPlugIn. Now you have to do one more thing to map the
> name MainPlugIn to some code.
> <servlet>
> <servlet-name>MainPlugIn</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>myplugin/plugin.jsp</servlet-class>
> </servlet>
> Also, try reading the servlet specifications, it's are surprisingly
> readable.
> <>
> Java EE 6 Tutorial.
> <>

Well, I've tried your method above (this mapping) - seems to work, but I
still have some difficulties with web layout. I'm browsing the netbeans
tutorials - interesting.

From: Przemek M. Zawada on
Dear Friends,

I've finally found what I've been looking for - great thanks to all of you.

For future readers, I recommend the NetBeans tutorial, placed here:

I assume this topic might be closed for now.

Thank you for helping me entering the Java world.

All the best,
Przemek M. Zawada
From: Arne Vajhøj on
On 29-07-2010 10:32, Chris Riesbeck wrote:
> On 7/28/2010 7:25 PM, Arne Vajh�j wrote:
>> With newer versions:
>> <li><c:out value="${item}" /></li>
>> can even be written as:
>> <li>${item}</li>
> c:out will convert HTML special characters to entity code. ${item} by
> itself does not. I've been bit by that several times when ${item} was a
> string with < in it.


But I would expect that to only be needed in relative
few cases due to input validation rejecting input with
<> in.
