From: Arne Vajhøj on
On 29-07-2010 12:17, Tim Slattery wrote:
> Chris Riesbeck<Chris.Riesbeck(a)> wrote:
>> On 7/28/2010 7:25 PM, Arne Vajh�j wrote:
>>> With newer versions:
>>> <li><c:out value="${item}" /></li>
>>> can even be written as:
>>> <li>${item}</li>
>> c:out will convert HTML special characters to entity code.
> It will if you use escapeXML:
> <c:out value="${item}" escapeXml="true" />

Isn't that attribute true by default?

>> ${item} by itself does not.
> No, but using the JSTL escapeXml function does:
> ${fn:escapeXml(item)}

All roads lead to Rime ...



From: Arne Vajhøj on
On 29-07-2010 00:51, Lew wrote:
> markspace wrote:
>>>> What if Apache isn't your web server?
> Lew wrote:
>>> In general a good question. In the OP's particular case it's pretty
>>> clear they're in control of the environment and can choose it to be.
> markspace wrote:
>> Seems like a good way to get bit if you ever export the web app to a
>> different environment. Sure, Apache is very popular and you can just
>> spec the app that way to customers, but it's also just one more thing to
>> deal with manually (the mod_rewrite stuff) that doesn't need to be, I
>> suppose.
> It is not uncommon to spec requirements for an app to run. And some
> kinds of portability are overrated. I'm not necessarily speaking in
> favor of mod_rewrite, but I do think httpd is an awesome product and one
> should not be ashamed or fearful of basing an application on it.
> And there are hundreds of products on the market that already spec it as
> part of their product. Ever hear of LAMP?

But Java web apps are not supposed to be tied to a specific
web server.

But I don't think that is the case here.

Certainly mod_rewrite is Apache specific, but the functionality
can be implemented with other software.
