From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> Don Bowey wrote:
> >"Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >>unsettled wrote:
> >>
> >>>What sort of preventive treatment is there for cancer?
> >>
> >>Good diet avoiding excessive red meat and processed foods and including plenty
> >>of
> >>fresh fruit and veg.
> >>
> >>Not smoking.
> >>
> >>Avoidance of exposure to carcinogens.
> >
> >
> > But that includes not charring my steaks.... I'll need to skip that one.
> > But I'll make up for it by using a good wine with which to enjoy it.
> I don't read Eeyore. That being said, what he proposes
> are measures, not treatments, to be taken by a person
> caring for themselves. None of that requires "preventive"
> physician services which was the topic he is unable to
> follow.

You don't *prevent* a disease through *treatment* you ninny. Treatment is what
happens after you get a disease.

Innoculation is another matter entirely.


From: Sambo on
hill(a) wrote:
> hill(a) wrote:
>>Winfield Hill wrote:
>>> 4200 postings and still going strong. Amazing.
>> Wow, now 7200 posts and still going strong. And most
>> of the posts were under the original subject title. This
>> must be some kind of a record. Certainly it's a stress
>> test for the Google Groups web-page display code, etc.
> Amazing, now nearing 9000 posts and still going strong.
> Furthermore, a subtle point, the posts haven't strayed far
> from the original post in terms of individual thread-segment
> lengths, so Google Groups tree view still nicely handles all
> the pieces in a narrow sidebar. BTW, my own usenet-news
> server completely lost it on this one long ago.
Lucky you. I wish netscape finaly allowed to totly delete news articles ( and possibly ignore further posts in a thread in selected for download groups,without dumping another feature ) , takes me about 5 minutes to come up when I select this group.
From: Don Bowey on
On 11/14/06 8:58 AM, in article
MPG.1fc3acd12058173e989b36(a), "krw" <krw(a)att.bizzzz>

> Oh, but they are! Vermont has the highest cost for tertiary
> education of any state. The kids can't afford to go to school in
> state, so leave. There is little industry stay gone. It's become
> a state of dependants (24% are on some sort of public assistance)
> and out-of-state ultra-rich.
> I'm outta here ASAP!

So what's holding you? Someone picking up your tab, hypocrite?


From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> Don Bowey wrote:
> > Private Practice is not a "backup." It was in place long before government
> > involvements.
> Toemahtoe -- tomato
> The question restated to a slightly increased level of
> purism might read, "If NHS works so well, why would
> private practice have enough business to be able to
> survive, indeed, perhaps to flourish?"

Because some ppl want a level of service that's more expensive with all the
'bells and whistles'. Most ppl don't need that.

Also there are some conditions - like baldness and pure cosmetic surgery like
face lifts that the NHS doesn't cover..


From: Eeyore on

krw wrote:

> The very idea of a "living wage" is socialist.

No doubt you'd be all for 'dying wages' instead.
