From: Jonathan Kirwan on
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 07:53:01 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:

>I've concluded that the USA is beyond being rationally reasoned with.

30% of it is fundamentalist Christian. Top-down authoritarian,
anti-science, anti-education, "my way or the highway," provincial, and
no serious attempts at compromising to get along with anyone kind of
mentality. Hmm. About like some other groups in the news. Some of
those interested in personal power and money have taken advantage of
this group's gullibility and pandered to them for the advantage.

Too many of the rest were asleep at the switch. I think this Nov. 7th
election will see a change in at least some of it. Don't give up all
hope, yet.

From: John Fields on
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 18:50:25 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:

>John Fields wrote:
>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>> >The other thing Americans seem to be obsessed with is hate.
>> ---
>> No, you are, Graham. Not Brits, in general, but _you_, Graham,
>> specifically. You and your friends, the radical Islamists.
>Leave it out you complete clot. You have just neatly demonstrated your hatred.

I have? Hmm... All I've done is point out that you and radical
Islam seem to share a common hatred for America, so...
"birds of a feather", you know. How has that demonstrated any
hatred on my part? And, BTW, hatred for whom or what?

>I have
>no 'radical Islamic friends' indeed I'm totally critical of that bunch of loonies. You
>seem incapable of separating fact from fiction.

Well geez, Graham, who'd be able to tell the difference between you
guys? After all, they hate America and Americans and would like to
see America's downfall, and so would you, no?

I mean, I can't recall a single post where you've had anything good
to say about America or Americans, can you?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
From: John Fields on
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 18:51:26 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:

>John Fields wrote:
>> "Daniel Mandic" <daniel_mandic(a)> wrote:
>> >Eeyore wrote:
>> >
>> >> Curiously Hus is pronounced like hoose as in moose and in fact you
>> >> can find this pronunciation used in Scotland too !
>> >>
>> >> Graham
>> >
>> >I like the scotish word 'los', used for war-cries in the start of a
>> >battle. Pronounced "llo's"
>> >
>> >It's pretty the same as we would use in our local slang :),
>> >pronouncation and meaning.
>> ---
>> Well, since you seem to be interested in etymology, 'scotish' and
>> 'pronouncation' aren't currently used forms of those words.
>> Also, since you're referring to slang, you should be aware that:
>> "pretty the same" is meaningless and should be written: "pretty
>> much the same"
>> The context is clear from its use in the sentence, even though the
>> meaning of the sentence isn't really clear, the grammar needed to
>> successfully integrate: "pronouncation and meaning" into the
>> sentence being missing.
>Now try writing that in German !

If this was a German-language newsgroup, I would. But it isn't, so
what would be the point? Besides, you couldn't even translate that
simple French phrase you claimed Babelfish mistranslated, so who are
you to talk?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
From: Frithiof Andreas Jensen on

"T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote in message
> "Frithiof Andreas Jensen" <frithiof.jensen(a)>
> wrote in message news:egibv3$99g$1(a)
> >
> > "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote in message
> > news:veKdnS9QEIjVIrbYRVnygA(a)
> >>
> >> We have non-Muslims advocating the death penalty.
> >
> > Yup, here mostly the white, skin-head alien types (who are too stupid to
> > learn
> > what happened to their predecessors as soon as their great master assumed
> > power). Not a serious force, there is perhaps 600 of them.
> Sadly not just the overtly facist propose the death penalty. Otherwise
> "right thinking" people often suggest it. Some otherwise "enlightened"
> nations currently use it.

The main problem *I* have with the death penalty is first that it is not
possible to build a fail-safe system so one is bound to kill innocent people.
Second, it's yet another convenient "tool" for the next bunch of Nazi's to use
to get rid of undesirables; like the *insane* telecom surveillance laws &
systems being set up in Europe. Or euthanasia.

> >> If they become many through something other than a legitimate democratic
> >> process, I can't see how it would work. Open, legitimate, democracies are
> >> a
> >> very resilient form of government.
> >
> > The process is:
> >
> > Marry someone from $HOME, Import new extended family, Repeat with imports.
> >
> > Denmark is A.F.A.I.K. the Only country in Europe that has shut down that
> > traffic
> > by removing the right to family reunions inside Denmark - Sweden has not,
> > so one
> > additional step is needed: Move to Sweden, Marry, Import, Etc.
> At the end of the day, immigration will always exist while people in the
> host country feel jobs are "beneath" them or too poorly paid to do. As the
> west becomes more developed, people are less willing to take menial or low
> paid jobs and more and more families need childminders and the like.

50% of the immigrants in Denmark are from "third-world" countries which have a
notoriously high unemployment rate - we are spending perhaps 40% of the entire
social security budget - this is including pensions - on the ~5-8% of the
population that are from third-world countries!

Those people do not take menial jobs, they understand the value of plain
incompetence, a criminal record or strict adherance to religious practices in
public to end up on some social security programme forever. (If I lived in some
Turkish village within farting distance from the arsehole of the world, I would
do the same).

> This employment void needs to be filled somehow. Without immigration, most
> of western Europe would struggle to fill the jobs like cleaners, maids etc.
> Without immigration the cost of basic goods would rise as the fruit pickers
> etc., needed to be paid reasonable wages.

.... And this is somehow wrong?

A major problem for the stability of the Danish "wellfare state" is that one can
live equally "well" on social security as one can by taking a menial job. The
failed immigration policies serves to perpetuate that anomaly by pushing up
income tax (to pay for more social security) and at the same time take away the
wage pressure from unskilled labour.

The result is that the low-end wages never rises (a cleaner today earn the same
wage as I did 20 years ago when working to pay for my education), one cannot
support a family on a menial job and the number of people that are
"unemployable" just keeps going up, because there is no hope for people at the
low end ever getting a foot on the ladder.

We can cut wellfare - problem is that we will then have ~900,000 destitute
people figthing over maybe 50,000 jobs, crime rates going through the roof and
higher taxes still because of all the jails we need to build. Deadlock.

In my opinion the only way out is to completely block immigration from
third-world countries to the EU until we have demonstrated with the people we
have now that we can get the "integration" to work. That also means having low
real unemployment rates - not the fake figures that politicians report to the

And Turkey cannot join the EU - the present population growth in Turkey would
require the EU to produce a growth in employment of 3% pro anno JUST to absorb
the Turks. This is presently totally unrealistic.

> Despite some of the rightwing fear mongering on the issue, immigration is
> not a black and white issue.

The "weaker" Danes are first being pushed out of the labour market by
"globalisation", then they cannot get in again because of immigration, then
social security programmes are gradually killed off because society is bled
white by them; 2/3 of the costs going to immigrants - Indeed, the *rational*
response is to vote for the few political parties willing to admit that we
actually do have a problem.

The *sad* and *pathetic* part is that the only parties willing to do that are:
"Dansk Folkeparti", "Vlaams Belang", "Front Nationale" e.t.c., e.t.c, because
the so-called "responsible parties" in their infinite stupidity and vain desire
to look good amongst the PC crowd have chosen to clear the field completely for
any nut-job that happens to dare raise the immigration issue.

Result is that the right-wing are winning elections all over Europe just by
showing up!

From: John Fields on
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 18:52:46 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:

>Fred Bloggs wrote:
>> > On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:08:09 -0700, the renowned John Larkin
>> > <jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>> >>The rooms at the Inn at Spanish Bay start at about $550, and europeans
>> >>are a glut there, too. But you can sit on the deck, overlooking the
>> >>ocean, next to a cozy open-air firepit, sipping a Guinness, and the
>> >>burger and fries are excellent. If you get chilly, they'll bring you
>> >>blankets. Golf is an insane activity, but golf resorts are almost
>> >>always a great place to stay.
>> >>
>> >>John
>> What a bunch of hedonistic SH_T! Anyone who would indulge their self in
>> such sissy-sh_t comfort should be shot dead...
>I personally prefer a somewhat more active holiday getting to see places.

Mean Mister Mustard sleeps in the park
Shaves in the dark trying to save paper
Sleeps in a hole in the road
Saving up to buy some clothes
Keeps a ten-bob note up his nose
Such a mean old man
Such a mean old man

His sister Pam works in a shop
She never stops, she's a go-getter
Takes him out to look at the queen
Only place that he's ever been
Always shouts out something obscene
Such a dirty old man
Dirty old man

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer