From: nospam on
In article <egq336hp9b0g5l9fhs3j5d3keonha64ksc(a)>, John Navas
<spamfilter1(a)> wrote:

> >Nervous nellies with kids use it to spy on their kids' movements.
> Likewise responsible parents who care about the safety of their kids.

more like untrusting parents.
From: John McWilliams on
John Navas wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Jul 2010 09:59:56 -0500, in
> <YuGdna_d_I_sbqzRnZ2dnUVZ_qednZ2d(a)>, Allen <allent(a)> wrote:
>> Or, "A stopped clock is right twice a day".
> Unless it's on military time. ;)


One day down the road, the stopped clock statement may well fall into
disuse: digital displays that are stopped often will not have power,
hence no display, hence no "time". Just today's megathought! :-)

john mcwilliams