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How to view the code for a class method?
I would like to know how to view the code for cartTobary. It is a method under class TriRep. Thank You Nisha ... 8 Jun 2010 01:28
I am writing a FEM code for -wu''+u=g.where each element can have a different "w".will glad to have any ideas.Thank you! ... 8 Jun 2010 00:22
fmincon optimization
Hi, In my fmincon optimization of 2 control variables and 3 state variables I would like to keep one of the optimized control variables fixed for several loops, while the other control variable is still optimized in each loop. To be more specific, say the control vars are A and B and the state vars are x,y,z. Then:... 7 Jun 2010 23:16
How to delete an element from cell
hi all lets say we have: for i=1:6 test_cell_c{1,i}=wavefast(a{1,i},1, 'jpeg9.7'); end A=[ a{1,1}; a{1,2};a{1,3};a{1,4};a{1,5};a{1,6}] I want to delete the first element of A ..Any body knows how can do that? Best regards ... 7 Jun 2010 23:16
How to fix random poisson number
Hello, My generator for random poisson number is B = [0 2; 1.5 1.94 ; 2 1.97 ; 3 1.86 ; 3.5 1.91 ; 4.5 1.75 ; 5 1.73 ; 6 1.59 ; 7.5 1.37 ; 8.5 1.18 ; 9 1.16; 10.5 1.0885]; xdata=B(:,1); num=100;gamma=1; npoints=11; T=24; for i=1:npoints+1 X(:,i)=poissrnd((gamma*xdata(i)),1,num)... 21 Jun 2010 09:07
How to output dydt while using dde solver?
Hi, I'm quite new to MATLAB and am having a small problem. I'm trying to plot a time delayed rate of protein synthesis against the present concentration of protein using given differential equations. The protein concentration is easily calculated using the DDE solver. My question is: how do I output the rate (dy... 7 Jun 2010 21:04
Patch 2 different object in one GUI window
Hello all, I have a small patch problem that might be close to this one, considering 2 object patch. I have a polygon inside a polygon (polygon with a 'hole') and I'm trying to use the patch command (in my GUI) to color only the big polygon without the inner hole so i need to color the bigger one (doesn't matter w... 7 Jun 2010 19:57
Computation time reduction between using "parfor" and "for" loops
Hi, I have just bought Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox and tried to use some very simple test to see how much time I may be able to save by using "parfor" instead of "for" loop. I have 4 processors on my local PC and I used matlabpool to open them all. To my surprise, using "parfor" is not too much faster than using ... 8 Jun 2010 11:25
Plotting Line Iteratively
Hi, I would like, in a loop, to plot a dynamic line. What I'm looking for it the line start at zero, then a random point is generated and the line goes to that point (1,randompoint1) then a pause, then it extends to (2,randompoint2) etc.. This should continue until the loops stops. It should be an easy task but I c... 7 Jun 2010 19:57
Hi. I'm having trouble using the Data Acquisition Toolbox to collect data using a NIDAQ USB-6009. With the command, ai = analoginput('nidaq','Dev1'); I receive the error message, Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput at 99 Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput>localCreateAnalogInputObject at 191 Failure... 7 Jun 2010 18:50
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