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Real Subscript Indices
Hi, I'm doing a loop from "i"=0 to 0.5 with steps of 0.01. (0:0.01:0.5) For every "i", i'm putting the maximum likelihood value I calculated into a matrice. In order to have real indices, I multiply "i" by a hundred and add 1. (100*i+1). By doing this, I end up with indices of 1,2,3,4,.....,51 which is allowing m... 19 Jun 2010 13:27
how to calculate discrete transfer function
My function is K/s. I have calculated in discrete transfer function by hand which comes to be KT/(z-1) I want to cross check in Matlab and want to calculate its value at T=.1 What are commands for that ... 19 Jun 2010 14:33
3D plot
Hi. This will probably sound mundane but how do I plot a 3D graph with data imported from excel? I have only recently started using MatLab and do not have much knowledge about it apart from some very basic usage. I imported the data and separated them into data1, data2 and data3, without using xlsread though. They a... 12 Aug 2010 12:33
Updating positions on points in a plot "on-the-fly"?
"Adam Hartshorne" <adam.hartshorne(a)> wrote in message <hlhr31$3l1$1(a)>... As far as I am aware. If I put a break clause in order to observe the workspace, it show the various variables required. I have also tried, refreshdata(obj.h) with the same result. Hi Adam, ... 19 Jun 2010 11:16
Log all Fixed-Point operations
I am using matlab's filter function using their Fixed Point library. Is there a way to log *all* fixed-point operations? (not only overflows, but all fixed-point operations) Thanks, David ... 15 Jul 2010 09:51
fft algorithm.
Hello there. I have just implemented a 3 phase PWM DC/AC converter in Simulink using IGBTD with a "RL" load and I have to write and algorithm to show the Frequency domain. I don't really know how to do it.I have just try to write something down onmy M-file which is: % tstep = t(2)- t(1); % fsample = 1/tstep; % time... 19 Jul 2010 16:52
Massive difference between running simulink from GUI and command line. Why?
Hi Folks I am having a curious problem with simulink. I am running a model via the GUI and the command line. IN the first case I am passing the inputs via simulink blocks with the required signals, and setting the intial conditions via the Interface. In the second case I am sending the inputs via an input port, and ... 19 Jun 2010 08:00
Modelling the speed of a DC Motor with LMS
Hi guys I am having a research on adaptive control though FIR filter and LMS algorithm and I need to model a DC motor with the speed as its output variable. Can I obtained a model of a DC motor with the speed as its output through FIR and LMS algorithm in Simuling and using NI DAQ. Thanks and have a good day. ... 19 Jun 2010 05:52
storing specefic data from multiple frames in a text file
Hi, I want to read 50 images from a folder and extract some specific features from each frames by applying an image processing algorithm and store the feature vector for a particular frame in an apt data structure. After that, I want to store all these feature vectors (equal to the number of frames) in a text file and... 20 Jun 2010 10:11
seismology and digital signal processing
hello I am a student of electronic engineering.I have been give project on the relationship or application of digital signal processing and seismology and how we can use matlab in this respect.please provide me with some information on this project. ... 22 Jun 2010 16:02
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