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Reading a large mixed CSV file of unknown types and size hello. I have a CSV file. I don't know in advance what size it is (rows, cols) nor do I know the types associated with each col. The CSV contains mixed types. url = ''; str = urlread(url); The above link i... 21 Jun 2010 12:26
libpointers to c++ dll Hi all, I've got the following problem. Running the following matlab code, the first calllib results in nRet = 0, which means OK the second calllib let Matlab crash instantaniously. This has something to do with the declaration of the phAcqDesc pointer, which should behave like a windows HANDLE. But wha... 27 Jun 2010 06:19
seeking help on logic expression How to describe in matlab that "if there is no improvement in quality of the next continuous 100 steps," , or the , then break the loop. For example if "no improvement in the quality of the continuous 100 steps" or "the value equals 1" break end Can anybody help? ... 21 Jun 2010 13:33
how to select a contour with the mouse in a GUI Hi all, I'm a bit stuck with this problem. If someone's got an idea how to solve it, that would be great. I'm doing a GUI, where I load a serie of images (several frame acquired at different instant), display one of them, select manually one or several contours (defined by 3 or more points and a spline interpola... 21 Jun 2010 12:26
Problem when i create a digital sin wave in Matlab simulink! Dear all, I am working with Matlab Simulink (Matlab R2009b) for DSP (Digital Signal Controller), i need a digital sinwave so that i create the steps following: 1. Testing with continuous model: + A Pulse generator at 500 Hz connecte with + A Band pass Filter at f0=500Hz (Q=100); H(s)=([31.42 0], [1 31.4... 22 Jun 2010 14:55
LSQ curve fitting problem Hi i am trying to obtain to constants using 'lsqcurvefit' here's the code, xdata=stretch_r(:,2).'; ydata=stress_r.'; x0=[100; 1]; [x,resnorm]=lsqcurvefit(@MooneyRivlin,x0,xdata,ydata) function F=MooneyRivlin(x,xdata) F=(2*x(1)+2*x(2)/xdata)*(xdata-1/xdata^2); Both 'stretch' and 'stress' are of length ... 21 Jun 2010 14:40
need help for usage of simple filter Dear all, I can't seem to get my simple filter working. First I created a simple bandpass filter using fdatool. Response filter=bandfilter Design method=IIR butterworth the specified order =8 the Fs =250Hz Fc1=1Hz Fc2=40Hz If I design this filter i see that this gives a perfect flat magitude response betwe... 21 Jun 2010 12:26
Cleaning up MLintFailureFiles Hello, If you are getting a lot of MLint failures (for example the file you are editing no long shows MLint formatting including cells), here is a way to quickly eliminate the cause, which is having your mfile listed in the file MLintFailureFiles. Since this occurs hourly for me, I wanted a quick solution and ... 21 Jun 2010 11:18
find distance along complicated geometric surface Meagan wrote: hi all, I am working on a project and I have hit a wall and could really use some help. I am trying to find the distance between two points on a shape that is defined by vertices and faces. I can't just use the distance formula because I need to make sure that the entire distance ... 21 Jun 2010 11:18
Boxplot Data Cursor Error Hello, I am using the boxplot to show twelve indivdual "boxes" corresponding to twelve columns in a 2D matrix (datatype = double). There is a different number of values in each column. I have padded the columns with Nan values to allow the matrix to exist. I use this Nan padded matrix (e.g. 1178 rows x 12 columns) ... 21 Jun 2010 12:26 |