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matlab crashes on opening help
hello everyone, I'm using matlab 7.4.0(R2007a).whenever i open matlab help,matlab crashes.I get the message "matlab has stopped working" and the following details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application... 21 Jun 2010 06:57
Remove row corresponding to defined elements within the row
Hi , I have a large matrix of 5 columns. I have identified : d = data(:,3); w = data(:,5); I would like to remove any row that has d = 0 AND w = 0 . For example, I tried the following : x = find(d == 0 & w ==0) How would I now remove rows with x in it and display the removed rows? Thank you in a... 21 Jun 2010 12:26
add new legend content and meaning of the object_handle
Hi, I don't know exactly about command legend and its object_handle property,I have some questions in the following example. Thanks a lot. clf;clc; x = -pi:pi/20:pi; h1=plot(x,sin(x)); hold on; ix=randperm(numel(x)); ix=ix(1:10); y=sin(x); line(x(ix),y(ix),... 'marker',mkn,... 'markersize',10,... 21 Jun 2010 06:57
ROI wavelet coefficients
Hello, I would like to ask you how to obtain the wavelet coefficients of a specific region(x:xmax,y:ymax) of the image. I would do it by cH(x/2^level: xmax/2^level, y/2^level:ymax/2^level) but as is stated in the wavelet toolbox guide "the actual lengths of the detail and approximation coefficient vectors are sl... 21 Jun 2010 06:56
ROI wavelet coefficients
Hello, I would like to ask you how to obtain the wavelet coefficients of a specific region(x:xmax,y:ymax) of the image. I would do it by cH(x/2^level: xmax/2^level, y/2^level:ymax/2^level) but as is stated in the wavelet toolbox guide "the actual lengths of the detail and approximation coefficient vectors are sl... 21 Jun 2010 06:56
Using plotyy to plot several series
I am trying to use plotyy to four series three of which have the same y-axis, the fourth has a different y-axis. So far my code looks something like this: X1=[x1 x2 x3]; Y1=[y1 y2 y3]; plotyy(X1,Y1,x4,y4) I do get a plot but I am not to satisified with the result. First, I would like to set the line type for each... 21 Jun 2010 09:07
Reading .mfc file
Hi, I extracted the acoustic features using HTK file and the output files in .mfc format, does anyone know how to read this file in matlab? Thanks Lama ... 21 Jun 2010 05:52
Dear all, I don't manage to get a 4D array from a serie of 3D arrays that underwent the same function? I mean: a=arrayfun(@(i) fun(V.i), 1:n) the output is an error, unless i add UniformOutput false at the end. but the result is a cell array in this case. while i want a normal array instead. since i have to repea... 21 Jun 2010 08:01
how to display images using axes which is inside uipanel
I have inserted axes inside the uipanel. I would like to display the image in axes. please help me. with regards subrahmanya ... 21 Jun 2010 11:18
Initializing Handle Graphics failed in matlabrc
Hi everyone, suddenly Matlab can't make plots any more; when I start Matlab, I get the following error message: Warning: Initializing Handle Graphics failed in matlabrc. This indicates a potentially serious problem in your MATLAB setup, which should be resolved as soon as possible. Error detected was: MATLAB... 21 Jun 2010 05:51
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