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show the first frame of video Hi All,, I would ask about the video ? I used this : Vid = mmread('x.mpg', 1:10); Now, I need : 1 - display the first frame of Vid 2 - save the first frame as RGB image to use it in my project :( Can anyone help me please as soon as possible ? ... 22 Jun 2010 08:15
FlightGear to Simulink on different OS Hello, I am trying to link up FlightGear (on Linux) and Simulink (on Windows). I am using the sample HL20 aircraft in Simulink. Mathwork gives details of how to link FG and Simulink on different machines (both Windows based I presume). However when I generate a script which needs to point to c:\program files\flight... 20 Jun 2010 15:38
AM demodulation Hello,anyone knows one file containing an AM demodulation? thank you very much! ... 20 Jun 2010 13:27
Noise filter calculation I have some values in a matrix. When i plot them there is a noise along the curve. I need to do some calculation to the matrix and get a smooth curve. I prefer a code cab be implemented in a m file rather than a simulink model. Can any one please help me regarding this problem??? ... 20 Jun 2010 16:44
writing chars and doubles into .txt with fprintf at the same time another newby-question by me ;-) I hope i don't overuse your patience. I have one Matrix C with dates and one Matrix D with doubles measurements. If I leave C in datenum, saving both matrices in one .txt via fprintf is no Problem: data = [C,D]; fid=fopen('text.txt', 'wt'); fprintf(fid,'%6d\t %f\n',data'); fcl... 21 Jun 2010 16:54
Assignment within State (syntax error in Stateflow) Hi. I am a beginner in Stateflow. In my State, I have an assignment statement as follows: mode=2; Fn = -br*kq; When I tried to run the model, I kept getting something called Lex Error. It listed: mode=2; ^ syntax error Fn = -br*kq; ^ syntax error Anybody knows what is wrong and how to f... 20 Jun 2010 13:27
double integration (inner limits are function of outer) Hi Everyone I am trying to integrate a region which sort of ellispe. I am using dblquad to do so where inner limits are function of outer limits as follows. But I am getting error that x1 is undefined @dblquad (const = constant) F = @(x1,x2)((1 ./ (2 .* pi .* const .* const)) .* (exp((-0.5) .* ((((x1 - const).^ 2)... 22 Jun 2010 14:55
PsychToolBox Dear MATLAB Community, I have just begun some on-campus research and am starting to learn how to use MATLAB. I am trying to design a program to help adjust and collect data regarding optomotor recordings and response of out test specimen. I was advised to download a tool known as PsychToolBox and incorporate it into... 20 Jun 2010 13:27
multiple line graphs on single graph window hey, i want to draw two line graphs on the same figure window having differnt markers and colors. Say i have two matrices: A=[3 2 4 5 3] and B=[4 5 3 2 6] many thanks. erik ... 20 Jun 2010 10:11
Help to calculate time complexity of a program I have written a MATLAB code for my project. I have used many in-built functions like the find function, intersect, bwlabel, etc. I wanted to know how to calculate the time complexity of my program because it uses many MATLAB in-built functions. The McCabe complexity of the code written is 13. Please help me to calcula... 20 Jun 2010 10:11 |