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How to get Fourier descriptor Dear all, I'm newbie in using matlab. I want to extract fourier descriptor of my images. Could you please explain to me how to do this in matlab? Thank you very much for your help. Ferdi ------- ... 2 Jan 2010 09:31
Square Wave Generation with user defined magnitude the command 'square' in matlab can be used to create a square wave. This command give the wave a default magnitude of -1 to +1. Is it possible for us to change the magnitude to our needs. I need to create a square wave in matlab oscillating with a magnitude from 0 to +5. Could it be done? Any help provided will be a... 30 Dec 2009 19:49
count objects hello everyone i have an image which contains 1's and 0's. i want to identify them somehow and then write them to an array. is there anyone who can help me to start with? it 's the first tie using matlab... ... 29 Dec 2009 20:50
Inverse of sum of matrices Hello, Perhaps someone can help me with the following problem. I would like to solve the equation Mx = r, (1) for x (M and r are known). M is a LARGE matrix that can be written in the form M = aA + bB + C, (2) where A, B, and C are matrices and a and b are scalars. The challenge is that I need to solv... 6 Jan 2010 08:47
connecting a 1208FS For a project i am doing, i need to connect a 1208FS component to MATLAB. i was able to connect. but i am yet to figure out how to send and recieve data. I have pasted below, my commands and the error i am stuck in. Any help would be greatly appreciated. daqhwinfo('mcc') ans = AdaptorDllName: [1... 31 Dec 2009 07:42
wrap text inside a pushbutton Is there a way to set uicontrol properties such that the text inside a pushbutton will wrap itself? The alternative would be to use static text on the pushbutton. ... 6 Jan 2010 08:45
Integer operands are required for colon operator when used as index Concerning the same error, with integer operands for colon operators, I am trying to do a bit of image processing. Though I am surely not going about it the most efficient way, I was trying to use ginput to reduce the size of an image. I have the following code, which results in the integer operand issue: [x,y] = g... 29 Dec 2009 17:29
Graph with shaded areas How can I create a graph in matlab that displays a financial time series, but for each date I also have a binary variable (true/false). If the binary variable is true for lets say a month, I want that month to be shaded gray in the graph. The graph would then show the time series and vertical gray shaded areas/bars fro... 29 Dec 2009 15:15
Count ASCII value Hi, HOW i can sort ASCII value through Aa to Zz from various Ascii values and also can count them for each characterter.?? ... 29 Dec 2009 15:15
Code for simulation of the Clayton n-copula, n>2 Hi Is there anyone who has build and will share code simulating Clayton n-copula n>2 ? Martin ... 30 Dec 2009 09:47 |