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Eigen face to plot with image? Hello all, I have followed the eigenface logici into my images. In order to see the eigenfaces as images, I have used "imagesc". Here is the code I referred. My question is this. It is simple to display an eigenface as an image, using the built in imagesc fun... 6 Jan 2010 08:46
activating TeX text interpreter in uicontrol is not possible? Dear all, I'm trying to display a set of a calculated values from a data set as a text box in a figure with the plotted data in the following way (note that the figure, axes, and plotted data are already displayed at this stage in the code): mTextBox = uicontrol('Style','text'); set(0,'DefaultTextInterpreter','t... 8 Jan 2010 03:55
OQPSK and half sine pulse shaping Hi, Apologies in advance if my question is a bit convoluted and long winded but this is my first post and I wouldn't profess to be a Matlab expert . . . I'm currently working on a ZigBee simulation of the physical layer for a university project. Please no replies saying "do your own work" because as you'll see... 6 Jan 2010 08:44
Large matrix handling Hi, I need to deal with a very large matrix in Matlab, i.e. image(21600, 43200). With a floating point type, this matrix will take more than 3 GB memory. With a 64-bit machine and OS, this amount of memory can be allocated. But Matlab seems not be able to allocate that much of memory automatically. Does anybody ha... 6 Jan 2010 08:47
Send initial command through serial Port in xPC Target How can you send an initial command through a serial port in xPC Target? I need to send the command 'qs \r' through a serial port in xPC target to initialize a force/torque sensor. I can send the command through a baseboard serial F block, but the command is sent continually. The command should be sent only once. I... 6 Jan 2010 08:43
CRLB Dear all, Need MatLab program that calculates the Cramer Rao Lower Bound for DOA estimation Thanking you advance. ... 6 Jan 2010 08:47
extracting data from a netcdf file I am attempting to extract some data from a netcdf file and save them in ascii file to input them to SWAN(wave model). The data I have is downloaded from NOAA website which are u and v components of wind (, I open the netcdf file by getnc as: x.change_miss=1 Uwind=getnc('','uwnd',x); Vwind=... 7 Jan 2010 12:24
Pre-emphasis FIR filter! Hi, Can anyone here teach me how to come out the pre-emphasis filter formula which can combine my FIR filter and my number of order shouldnt more than 32. From the other forum that i found, the matlab source code is able to produce the pre-emphasis filter but my sampling frequency is high in Mega Hertz so my filt... 7 Jan 2010 21:25
Question regarding TriScatteredInterp Hi all Firstly, I hope everyone happy new year. Now I have a really silly question but I still donno how to sovle it, that is if I want to change the default method in TriScatteredInterp to natural neighbor, how can I change it? I tried on this, but it does not work. F = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,z); ... 4 Jan 2010 04:51
algorithm for converting simple matrix into tridiagonal matrix hi all, i want to convert any arbitrary matrix into a tridiagonal matrix. i have gone thru Lanczos algorithm also. Can anybody suggest me the most appropriate algorithm ... 4 Jan 2010 09:13 |