Matlab code for BICM
Dear all I am implementing a soft input soft output (SISO) MMSE detector and SISO decoder in an iterative fashion (turbo receiver). A de-interleaver and interleaver is used in between the detector and decoder. I am using a convolution encoder at the transmitter side. Therefore, my decoder is the Log MAP decoder. I ... 6 Jan 2010 08:48
Locate Minima & Maxima
I am working on a project of calculating edge width in an image. I have to scan every row in the image to calculate the edge width. In order to do so, I need to detect several local minima and maxima for each row. An edge exists in between a local maxima and minima. There might be a few edges in one row. Any idea how t... 2 Feb 2010 15:23
likelihood estimates of glmfit results?
Hello, I just came forward this newsgroup and found this topic helped me alot in my project since i did the same thing as Gabriel. However, i would like to know how to get standard error for each parameter because before this i tried to use [] but it seems did not work for my data. I hope anyone can help m... 6 Jan 2010 08:48
problem with mex file and mexw32 file
hi how to set up in my system to create mex-files and to compile C-mex in my system. when i typed the following commend in commend window I = imread('C:\lena.jpg'); h = daubcqf (4, 'min'); L = 1; [y,L] = mdwt(I, h, L); this code from rice wavelet toolbox. even i had tried to mex -setup. The following ... 6 Jan 2010 11:55
Calculations involving Sparse Matrix
I am writing a function to reduce a large sparse matrix. The function is such that it takes a sparse matrix (say A) as its input and returns a sparse matrix (say B) which is half the size of the input matrix (along both axes) and the average of a neighborhood of 4 elements of A is the value of each element of B. For ex... 7 Jan 2010 06:50
How to show coordinates with ginput while moving cursor?
Bump... anyone??? Scott is right, I've tried using WindowButtonMotionFcn to track the cursor, but the coordinates stop being printed while ginput is in effect. "Scott Smith" <scottsmith(a)> wrote in message <ef45340.0(a)webcrossing.raydaftYaTP>... Wes wrote: Is there any code to display t... 6 Jan 2010 08:47
Find parameters of PID for unkonwn transfer function of Plant and known reference.
Hi all, I want to know how to find PID parameters if we know the reference trajectory but the transfer function of Plant is not known. Manual tuning will obviously take time and I have tried a lot but unsuccessful. The Plant can't follow the desired trajectory. Is there any way of self-tuning or auto-tuning fo... 12 Jan 2010 18:33
symbolic toolbox
I am new to symbolic toolbox. The error message is The Symbolic Math Toolbox is not yet available for this architecture. I use Matlab 7.8.0(R2009a) on a 64 bit windows vista machine. I checked the symbolic toolbox folder. There are files named maple, maplemex, maplemex.csf and maplemex.dll What is the problem? ... 6 Jan 2010 08:47
GNUmex and C++ no Output
Hi, I want to use the MinGW compiler with Matlab under windows. So I installed GNUmex and tried to compile this simple program: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include "mex.h" using namespace std; void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[]){ printf("TEST\r\n"); ... 12 Jan 2010 19:40
Pick one element from each row without using loop
Hi all, I have an n-by-m matrix A, an n-by-1 vector B, and following code to generate vector C: for i=1:n C(i) = A(i,B(i)); end Is there any way to avoid using loop in this case? Thanks! William ... 6 Jan 2010 08:47