i have convert an rgb color model to hsv color model for that i m using rgb2hsv command. but every time i run it, i get a error ' Attempt to execute SCRIPT rgb2hsv as a function.' please suggest a way out ... 11 Jan 2010 09:45
fastinsert vector as single row in Access DataBase
Is there a way to insert/fastinsert a Vector of say 100 elements as a single row entry in an Access database colomn? /Bruce ... 18 Jan 2010 22:08
Newbie Newey-West
Hi, I'm having my first stab at Matlab with calculating Newey-West standard errors. I searched around and found a code, and I need to define the lags (2). In the code I found the input is "nlags = "lag length to use". Can someone give me a clue how to go about this? Thx for any help! I've pasted the c... 10 Jan 2010 09:39
3-phase Induction motor (solver)
To test the motor I have created a three phase voltage source. I have troubleshooted the model and have figured out that when running a simple sine wave I can reset the step size for 60 hertz frequency to .001 and it follows the signal correctly for 5 seconds. The only problem is if the simulation time is longer than 5... 12 Jan 2010 16:18
Undocumented Matlab vulnerability
In yesterday's post on http://www.isdpodcast.com/2010/01/08/episode-42/ , it was mentioned that: "Matlab R2009b is subject to an Array Overrun (code execution) vulnerability. The main problem exist in dtoa implementation. Matlab has the same dtoa as Mozilla, OpenBSD, MacOS, Google, Opera etc. PoC code is available."... 20 Jan 2010 17:25
fasted way to calcluate min value in A(:,2)for every possibleA(1,:)
I have a N*2 array A. I want to calculate the min value in column 2 for each possible value in column 1, for example: A=[1,2;1,3;2,3;2,4], I need a function which can give the the result like [1,2;2,3]. Using loop is unacceptable because the performance is too low when data amount is very large. Are there any fas... 9 Jan 2010 12:58
Vectorized obj fn and constraint(Really need your help)
Hi everyone! I really need you to help me with this error. I am trying to use GA for warehousing location problem for my project. I have been trying to solve it for many days but couldn't find the way. I would be very very appreciate if you can help me. My inputs are: x0=[0 0 0 0]; y0=[0 0]; x0=[x0 y0]; ct... 9 Jan 2010 09:37
Bluetooth and MATLAB
I m new,very new to MATLAB...i am working on an security protocol in Bluetooth regarding Authetication... please can anybody guide me of HOW TO's of the MATLAB regarding bluetooth and its security implementation like encryption and hashing etc.. it will be so nice of u ppl if u point me out some matlabs codes of such ... 9 Jan 2010 09:37
MATLAB image processing to locate points
hi. i am completely new to MATLAB. i have an image containing three black cross-shaped figures. my problem is to store pixel coordinates of all three points separately. i proceeded using grayscale version of image, scanning the whole image in a loop and identifying the intersection point of each cross (using distincti... 9 Jan 2010 09:37
wavread problem
dears i'm trying to read a specificile to wav file to work on it [k fs] = wavread(filename); but i get an error while running ??? Error using ==> wavread at 166 Data compression format (CCITT a-law) is not supported. Error in ==> wave1 at 17 d = wavread(filename);. i tried to read it by the file reader bu... 9 Jan 2010 05:17