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Operators in symbolic diff output not element-wise Hi, I'm writing a bunch of functions which will require various levels of differentiation. One problem I've run into straightaway is that the output from the symbolic diff does not respect the element-wise operators in the input. For example: diff(x.^2) ans = 2*x I now want to use 2*x to define a ... 13 Jan 2010 03:16
How to find the nearest distance between label/group Dear Matlab Community, Please help me to find the fastest way to find the nearest distance between the labels/group in binary image. For example: L = bwlabel(BW) L = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0... 14 Jan 2010 06:51
How to use the 32bit mex file in a 64bit matlab Dear all, I met a problem about the mex file in 64bit matlab. I ever compiled a mex32 file in x86 winxp system. For some reason, I changed to a 64bit windows 7 system. And a 64bit matlab was also installed with it. But I found that the mex32 file did not work in the new 64bit system. What should I do in the 64bit ma... 13 Jan 2010 10:55
need help installing MATLAB on my mac So far, the installation process has been a real pain in the _ _ _. I already fixed the problem of turning the Java thingy to 32 bit, and now there's another problem. I get this message at the point where I click "next" after it asks for my serial number and address: "The application could not connect to the MathWor... 13 Jan 2010 09:48
IP Camera interface to Matlab  You may have Sony,panasonic,Axis or other kinds of IP Cameras,and you may need to do some research in matlab, and the interface to matlab have been your headache long time. Here the way maybe helpful.   Come to the website:, then download the soft IPCam... 12 Jan 2010 22:57
Solve Routh Hurwitz with GUI this GUI write for solve Routh Hurwit array for run GUI run routh_horwitz ... 12 Jan 2010 18:33
Convert from TriRep to DelaunayTri for use in pointLocation? I'm relatively new to using both these functions and have read online tutorials and demos. My goal is to created a constrained delaunay tesselation which can be used with pointLocation. I basically have a bay with small islands throughout. When DelaunayTri is used, elements are created within these islands and outs... 26 Jan 2010 12:03
using rough sets for noise filtering hello How are you? I'm MS student. I work in field data mining. I need implementation rough set theory in Matlab software. If you can send for me your code. my email is : zendeghi13(a) Regards ... 12 Jan 2010 21:52
Evalin Limitation The documentation describes this limitation to evalin: Limitation evalin cannot be used recursively to evaluate an expression. For example, a sequence of the form evalin('caller', 'evalin(''caller'', ''x'')') doesn't work. Does anyone have a workaround for this? Sometimes I'd really like to reach up two level... 14 Jan 2010 15:47
Hydraulic Pump transfer function. Hi Folks, Can anybody help me I`m trying to derive the transfer function of a hydraulic pump for a college project. I`m using simulink with with the sim hydraulics toolbox. I have built a simple circuit but when I try the linmod command I get a 12th order system, I have also tried the tfestimate command and it plots... 12 Jan 2010 17:25 |