whisker line style
I'm using the boxplot function, which is generally pretty user-friendly, but am wondering if there's a way to control how the whiskers look. The default line style is a dashed line - do these breaks in the line represent anything statistically or is it just the chosen line style? And can this be changed, e.g. to solid ... 18 Jan 2010 15:23
too many file open error
I got this error after I had got the result one time. Too many files open; check that FILES = 20 in your CONFIG.SYS file. I try to solve it by fopen('all') and fclose but still have this error So I wonder if any of you have any suggestions, including how to find my config.sys file. ... 15 Jan 2010 14:56
com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder package
Hi, I am going over the magicsquare example for the MATLAB Builder given in the documentation. In compiling the getmagic.java file I get the errors below. I searched the forum but did not find something that worked for me. 1)Do I have to include in the path the .jar file produced by MATLAB Builder? 2)I have th... 9 Feb 2010 17:25
Problem creating avi in Windows 7
Hello John and Onomitra, I have found that this code: aviobj = avifile('example1.avi','compression','None'); also leads to a static movie and 'window bleed'. When I try Cinepak instead: aviobj = avifile('example1.avi','compression','Cinepak'); MATLAB is unable to find the codec (even if I drop a copy int... 22 Jan 2010 17:27
Nehalem processors
Has anyone used the Nehalem processor based Macs with 64 bit MATLAB? Any problems with them? (Any overheating issues with heavy CPU usage?) If I choose an older version Core 2 cpu, will it run 64 bit MATLAB on a mac? (Given that 64 bit MATLAB will soon be the only option.) Thanks, John ... 15 Jan 2010 09:20
Plot multiple bars with standard deviation
hi all. I have a matrix mData of size 13x3. Each entry is the performance of a program (I have 3 programs) on one of 13 datasets. The command bar(mData) gives me a bar plot of 13 groups, each of which has 3 bars. This bar plot alread provides good performance comparison between the 3 programs. However, what I wo... 15 Jan 2010 10:27
Please help: Error- "Colon operands must be in range of the data type"
Hello, I'm hoping somebody with MATLAB expertise could tell me what the following error message mean and/or how to avoid it. "??? Colon operands must be in range of the data type." It occurs at the line: 82: on_ind(z) = find( U_GK(off_ind(z-1):end)>=7 ,1,'first') + off_ind(z-1)-1; where U_GK(off_ind(z-1)... 15 Jan 2010 03:54
how to get a count data for each group
Dear all Do you know the matlab builtin function to get a count for each group for example : data = [ 2; 4; 1; 2; 1; 3; 1; 2; 2; 1; 5; 4;] the result I hope to obtain : 1 4 2 4 3 1 4 2 5 1 Thank you very much; Dalris ... 15 Jan 2010 07:09
Rayleigh Fading
Hi frds., I am designing one CDMA system. In that i have to use rayleigh fading channel. When I referred to some other previous channel design they are working for normal txdata (randomly generated data no data processing on Tx'ed data). http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/21058-ber-for-bpsk-in-ra... 14 Feb 2010 07:22
Regarding Image Processing in Matlab..Urgent...please help
Hi dear friends, I have an image(I) of size 1944*2592*3 (unit8) I've extracted a contour from this image using the following code: contour = roipoly(I, I.x, I.y); this code returns a black and white image of size 1944*2592 logical Now I want to draw the following histograms from this contour but I don't k... 20 Jan 2010 15:09