plotting timeseries with data gaps
Hi, I made a timeseries-class object, containing unevenly sampled data. However, some gaps are too big to use any interpolation. Yet I would like to plot the timeseries, with the data-points joined by a standard line '-', except in the long gaps (otherwise, it does some sort of unphysical straight bridge-like lines)... 18 Jan 2010 12:00
How does imregionalmax work?
Hi! How does imregionalmax actually work? The best would be a reference to an article I can refer to in my master thesis. Thank you, Georg ... 18 Jan 2010 13:07
Set the value in Simulink from GUI
I am a new user for using Matlab simulink and Graphical User Interface. I have a problem about linking the value in GUI into simulink model. I need set the value of gain inside the simulink model. However, it will show that there is no gain parameter inside the simulink model, is there any problem on it? This is the... 18 Jan 2010 12:00
Divide input to columns to feed in a function
Hello, I frequently need to divide a matrix to its columns to feed into a function. Is there an elegant way to do it? For now, I stick with the solution polarMatrix = cart2pol(cartMatrix(:,1),cartMatrix(:,2),cartMatrix(:,3)); Thank you, Magdalena ... 18 Jan 2010 12:00
convert matlab pgm to c
hey! can u convert aprogram written in matlab to C, because i want it to burn into my microcontroller. plz help ... 18 Jan 2010 14:16
photovoltaic array in matlab
hey! i want to simulate a power electronics ckt which has a pv array input. any idea which version of simulink has it ... 2 Feb 2010 15:29
eigenvalues of the covarience matrix (princomp)
Hey Peter, another question; My intuition is that running the analysis on zscores will not change the returned eigenvectors, but will only change the eigenvalues, and thus the order in which the eigenevectors are returned. Peter Perkins <Peter.PerkinsRemoveThis(a)> wrote in message <fhi17f$dhh$1(a)fr... 18 Jan 2010 14:16
Anybody is interested in collaboration of Matlab trading system?
I would like to seek collaboration on building quant trading systems using Matlab. Anyone is interested? Thanks ... 18 Jan 2010 10:51
fuction "primarykey" does not work
Dear Community, I have connected Matlab with an Ms Access Database. Via the database metadata object I get a lot of information about the Database. But the function primarykeys returns nothing, although I defined primarykeys in my acces Database. Thanks for any help ... 18 Jan 2010 10:51
After Image registration?
I try to perform image, using algorithms as listed on Wikipedia ( There were some questions about it, namely: [-] I managed to find the delta x and delta y, then what should I do with that information? [-] How do I combine several images into one image in MATLAB? [-] ... 21 Jan 2010 01:17