hi, i have a vector containing n elements. Mean and std of data is unknown. I want 2 segment data on basis of clustering. e.g, h=[0 97.9501 97.2311 97.6068 97.4860 97.8913 112.0000]; [n,]=histc(h,[min(h):1:max(h)]) %%%% assuming std 1 i got 5 elements which are grouped together. How can I have cluster ... 16 Jan 2010 18:20
compare two cells not minding the order
Hello I am looking for an easy way to compare two cells of strings. for example a={'aa','ba','c'} b={'c','ba','dd'} and I want the function(a,b) to return someting like [0,1,0] as the first and the third strings of the first cell don't exist in the second. the function strcmp() minds the order which is not suitable... 17 Jan 2010 07:15
how to set properties of java uicontrols
i'm trying to use some java uicontrols (jslider, jprogressbar) but i don't know how to set their properties. For example, I would like to change the font type and size of a jslider and so far i've got to this: figure h = uicomponent('style','slider', 'position',[150,50,180,50], 'value',70, ... 'MajorTickSpacin... 17 Jan 2010 18:24
optimization problem in KF and MLE for state-space model
Hi, everyone, I have some problem on the optimization during the maximun likelihood estimation for state-space model via Kalman filter. There are around 100 parameters to estimate. 1. fminsearch works, even it is very slow. 2. fminunc, cannot work. It always stops by the error of the covariance matrix of ... 18 Jan 2010 08:37
optimization problem in KF and MLE for state-space model
Hi, everyone, I have some problem on the optimization during the maximun likelihood estimation for state-space model via Kalman filter. There are around 100 parameters to estimate. 1. fminsearch works, even it is very slow. 2. fminunc, cannot work. It always stops by the error of the covariance matrix of ... 16 Jan 2010 13:54
what the square brackets or box brackets [] means in this case?
>>sum(( ([I( : ), J( : )] - repmat(x, y,1)) .^2) ,2) x<1x2 double> y<1x1 double> I<1x200 double> Min:1 Max: 10 J<1x200 double> Min:1 Max: 10 what the square brackets or box brackets [ ] means in this case? Moreover, if you can please clarify all the sentence! Thanks... ... 16 Jan 2010 12:47
Fuzzy logic block tool usage
I am designing an autonomous navigation robot using matlab fuzzy logic tool box platform. I have written the rules in the fis rule editor and i am able to see some output in the fuzzy rule viewer, but i want to know by exporting the fis file to the workspace... whether will I able to use this in the simulink platfor... 26 Jan 2010 10:55
arun <aragorn168b(a)gmail.com> wrote in message <a2418c7c-4b23-468b-bb10-d915cab5bb6e(a)s31g2000yqs.googlegroups.com>... Hi, Does anyone know about the principle behind *reshape* command of matlab, is it sophisticated or just using simple for-loops? What John and Jan say is true of full matrices, but resh... 16 Jan 2010 10:35
varargout{1:nargout} = mexFunction() does not work
I have tried to find some documentation regarding using the varargout mechanism with mex functions. Perhaps I did not look hard enough, but I have not seen any discussion of why this seems not to work. I wrote a simple test function that creates the same number of dummy outputs as the value in the nrhs argument in mexF... 18 Jan 2010 13:07
Permission Denied using save -append
Hi Megan, I guess you are using windows xp/vista. I have also faced the same problem. To solve it just write click on the harddrive where the file exist-->go to security-->select the user. Then give all the writing/modification permission. Hope this will solve you problem. Thanking You. Sahidullah "Megan... 16 Jan 2010 09:29