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please can any one post the matlab script for these s•generate 100 random number or use the test data provided by the standard;• write Convolution Encoder using MATLAB script; Then you need to verifythe Convolution Encoder by • call vinay vish wrote: • generate 100 random number or use the test data provided by the standard; • write Convolution Encoder using MATLAB script; Then you need to verify the Convolution Encoder by • calling MATLAB built in Convolution Encoder function ; • calling MATLAB built in Vite... 19 Jan 2010 16:55
Problem with prtools - PR_Warning: getprior: No priors found in dataset, class frequencies are used instead I have a code : % testowanie bazy % - Data = load('', '-ascii'); Data(:,1) = []; [NumOfRows, NumOfCols] = size (Data); Classes = Data(:,NumOfCols); Data(:,NumOfCols) = []; MainSet = dataset(Data,Classes); clear Data; MAXT = 95; % maksymalna ... 19 Jan 2010 14:38
Reading large file and sorting Dear Hadassa! I have a large file of about 2000 rows and many more columns. Do you want to sort each row, all rows together or the sequence of rows? I want to sort the rows in this file according to a new index I have created. Is this index a part of the rows or do you have it separately? That is, ... 19 Jan 2010 14:38
Save text and numeric data into one text file I would like to write a matrix to a text file from matlab. In addition, I want to include both column and row headers to avoid confusion. Is there anyway to do this without using fprintf to write each value separately? Ideally, one could use fprintf to enter in the headers and dlmwrite or something similar to write ... 19 Jan 2010 15:47
Solving for Transformation Matrix Is there a quick way in matlab to solve for a 4x4transformation matrix? I have an array of three '3-element' vectors, denoting a x,y,z coordinate of a particle (so basically each element of the array is a 3x3 matrix that defines the position and orientation of a particle, or in other words Local coordinate system) Ea... 20 Jan 2010 12:53
implementing SPIHT algorithms on ecg compression Does anybody have the code for implementing SPIHT algorithms on ecg compression by use wavelet ... 23 Jan 2010 12:03
generate fourier coefficients I have discrete but periodic data. How can I generate Fourier coefficients from that data? Thank you ... 19 Jan 2010 19:11
Inner class? I’m writing a program where a have a class representing a system, classdef classSystem properties dataSystem end % methods end The system contains two subsystems, classdef classSubSystemA properties dataA end methods function funcA() ... 20 Jan 2010 02:55
How to change the cursor and axis precision in a plot ? Dearl all, When I plot data with high values (~10^6), Matlab display only 4 digits of resolution (in the y axis, and in the cursor). I would like a greater precision, do you know if it is possible ? I looked at the plot and axes properties but I don't find anything, and the command format does not work for the pl... 2 Feb 2010 15:23
simulink geartrain? Does anyone have an example of a simulink gear train? I'm looking for a multi pass geartrain with backlash damping and springs between the gears. TIA, John ... 19 Jan 2010 12:23 |