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Kalman Filter I am employing a Kalman Filter on some test data of size 1300x128 (i.e. 1300 samples over a number of 128 records). The test data is generated from a rangefinding device. Typically for a single laser pulse, return data will be some laser pulse return completely buried in broad spectrum noise. One possible approach f... 21 Jan 2010 20:18
plotyy: setting ylim for both right & left I plot multiple data series and use plotyy to graph two traces with same response but different magnitude. plot(A(:,1),A(:,2),'r:'); hold on; plotyy(A(:,1),A(:,3),A(:,1),A(:,4),'plot'); Now I want to look at many of these graphs and be sure all the axis are set the same. I follow the Solution ID: 1-50PK64 "Why d... 21 Jan 2010 07:48
set GCA and datetick problem Hi, When I use the following code with the set(gca etc..) and datetick lines commented out it produces a graph without the correct xlabesl however if I use them all I get is the correct xlabels and ylabels but no graph..ANy ideas on what I am doing wrong? Thank you!! Sincerely, tom FAR1=[0.0200 0.01... 21 Jan 2010 08:54
figure sizing issue So I have this code within a for loop, and for each iteration it creates an image and resizes it. However, though the axis handles resize, the figure window box does not, and it crops the figure (right and top). This is regardless of what I set OuterPosition to be. Help? set(gcf,'nextplot','replace') q... 20 Jan 2010 16:17
Problem in matlab IEE float Hello, I need to solve a problem in matlab. Here is what I must do: Let F, set of all numbers in IEEE floating point, except NaN and inf, whith 7ff (in hexadecimal) exponent moved and numbers not normalized with superscript moved 000 (in hexadecimal) I realy don't know how should I start. After this I hav... 26 Jan 2010 13:12
Differential Equations How to compare the approximated solution with exact solution? Example: The IVP is: y'=2t-y, y(0)=-1 with N=10. Exact solution is y(t)=exp(-t)+2t-2. I found the approximate solution, but I have a problem to compare both (exact and approximate)? Here what I've done: a=0; b=1; y0=-1; N=10; fprintf('\n') dis... 20 Jan 2010 15:09
quiver plot on top of a trisurf Hi Everyone, I'm having trouble displaying a quiver plot over a trisurf plot. The only way to make the arrows to show is changing the view from view(0,90) to say view(0,89). I had the same problem with the "surf" function but could fix it replacing it with "pcolor" function. The problem now is that I'm working wi... 20 Jan 2010 14:01
Morphological filter for one dimensional signal hi, how can i use open-closing operation with a structuring element se= at² + b (parabola), how can i creat this SE? thanks ... 20 Jan 2010 14:01
reshape matrix "ratnesh kumar" <iam_ratnesh(a)> wrote in message <hj7du9$mn4$1(a)>... thanks for answering but the post is wrong sorryfor that.mine target is to make matrix like mat= 0 code1 code2 code3 code4 code5 code1 2 2 2 2 ... 20 Jan 2010 12:53
Making a dll in MatLab to use in VB6 Good afternoon everyone, So, I have my program written in MatLab that finds the latest log file that has been created in a folder, reads it, parses it, and spits out a little clean file of essential information. I've made a function called StatsWriterX() which encapsulates this entire file. I would like to compil... 20 Jan 2010 12:53 |