Frequency measurement using real time windows target
Hi. i am working for a project and i need to measure the frequency of my generator with real time windows target. i got my pci 6221 adc board and want to try the Demo, named "Frequency Measurement" from the real time windows target. i set the "sample time" = 0.001 s, the "clock input source" to "internal clock 80 MH... 8 Feb 2010 09:58
measring video quality
hi, Is there any measure to measure the quality of video in Matlab and what is the source code for it ? since i have an original video and the compressed one therefore i would like to compare quality of the original video with the compressed one. . thanx, ... 8 Feb 2010 09:58
Getting 'currentPoint' only in one figure (while exluding other
Thank you, Justin, I accidentially flagged your reply as spam! It was not by purpose, I just misclicked! How can I undo this? Concerning your reply, it basically works for me except for one thing: Once I clicked into one of the non-clickable windows, the clickable one becomes unclickable for some reason, so that... 8 Feb 2010 09:58
Need more than very easy program - and it would mean a lot to me
On Feb 8, 2:43 pm, "us " a hint:      help textreadl;     % <- then, look at the delimiter option... sorry for the typo!... help textread; % <- then, look at the delimiter option... us ... 8 Feb 2010 08:52
know details about any sports
welcome to visit this site and get more, become a fans and take loves and happy. ... 8 Feb 2010 08:52
Dears, I have a geometry defiend by a set of its x,y,z coordinates. I would like to calculate its volume. Is there a trick to use? DE ... 8 Feb 2010 09:58
Import of multiple ASCII files
Hi I am trying to make a script which can import multiple ASCII files and merge them into one matrix. My problem is that my ASCII files have caracters in them and not only numbers so the import must start at row 48. I have fround that the following is working fine importing only one file: newData1 = importdata... 8 Feb 2010 09:58
eigenvector with the minimum eigenvalue, how to find a stable solution
Hello, why does the eigenvalue in your case become small? There could be several reasons, which might possibly be avoided: Bad scaling: If the quantities in the system have different orders of magnitude, the matrix could become ill conditioned. (Rescaling shouldn't change the eigenvalues, but it might help to impr... 8 Feb 2010 07:46
Automatically display data cursor on compass plot
Dear all, I have a compass plot with one arrow pointing to one point. But I want automatically that on the plot, there is a data cursor on the position of that point without clicking with the position information of this point. How do I have to do this? Kind regards ... 8 Feb 2010 07:46
eigenvector with the minimum eigenvalue, how to find a stable solution
In article <3f37cb36-e017-4df2-9a61-5ae9664ec2c1(a)>, goodjeff <jiang1feng(a)> writes: Dear all, Given a real symmetric matrix A, the eigenvector, V_min, for the minimum eigenvalue, Lambda_min, need to be calculated. Surely there are various numerical algorithms t... 8 Feb 2010 07:46