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finding centroid Hi all, I am considering image which contains text. How to find centroid for each line using matlab. Pls send me the code. Thanks ... 1 Mar 2010 10:15
Rename activex controls Is there a way to rename an ActiveX control after placed in the GUI? Matlab usually calls it activex & a number. Cheers ... 1 Mar 2010 10:15
what's wrong with my Database toolbox? >> cc=database('MyDatabaseName', 'MyUserName', 'MyPassword') cc = Instance: 'MyDatabaseName' UserName: 'MyUserName' Driver: [] URL: [] Constructor: [1x1 com.mathworks.toolbox.database.databaseConnect] Message: [1x91 char] Handle: 0 TimeOut: []... 19 Mar 2010 14:21
Simulink Simulation Duration I am simulating a spacecraft timekeeping system using Simulink. The system runs off of a 1 MHz clock. Accordingly, the simulation progresses with a step size of (10^-6)/2. I found that it takes roughly two minutes of real world time to simulate 1 second of spacecraft time. Is there any way to optimize or speed up t... 1 Mar 2010 12:31
xlswrite Errors - Not enough storage to complete the operation Hi, I'm using XLSWRITE to write an matlab array to Excel files. The Matlab arrays are usually around 65 MB and after I've completed 6 such array writes, xlswrite fails with the error "Not enough storage to complete the operation". I looked up the memory available to MATLAB and it seems to have enough memory for MAT... 1 Mar 2010 16:26
luannmcconnell grendelboogie6 gabedamage6 handcoding7 joybernard richellelockhart ht... 1 Mar 2010 09:09
why does Matlab fail to release memory even if I clear all the variables? The program occupies increasing memory storage and the computer becomes slower and slower... finally, the error of "out of memory" happens. However, during the running of the program, no new variable is created. Why does the program needs an increasing memory? Possibly, I think, this may be caused during calling 'm... 1 Mar 2010 09:09
Multithreaded and PCT sparse matrix inversions? Since this topic will concern my work for the next year or so (and for many other people I'm sure), I'm just wondering if there's a timeline at the Mathworks for the implementation of these two (related but definitely not the same) functions? Specifically: 1) Multithreaded sparse inversion (slash, not LU or QR or et... 1 Mar 2010 11:22
TCP/IP connection lost I use xPC Target and after a few minutes, in my simulation (CAN send/receive) I have an error: Executing the "CheckData" command produced the following error: Error using==>xpcgate TCP/IP Connect error Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Eric ... 5 Mar 2010 11:39
Remove all spaces in string "Lauren D" <ld(a)> wrote in message <fg8ljd$dq1$1(a)>... I have to remove all punctuation and spaces from a sentence. I'm using a for loop and if statement to do the removal. Is there a function to remove all spaces in a string? If not what is the statement to check if a string lo... 1 Mar 2010 08:03 |