Semilog Bar Plots
Will it work equally well for the xaxis? What I find is that using set(gca,'xaxis','log') the patch objects are log area, which in my situation is undesirable, JF "Troy D. Goodson" <Troy.D.Goodson(a)> wrote in message <210420001712327242%Troy.D.Goodson(a)>... I needed to make some bar plot... 26 Feb 2010 20:53
open all blocked sites in your country now it is free
Open all sites that blocked in your country from here Browse the internet securely using Your Proxy You can unblock popular social networking sites such as myspace, bebo, facebook and many other sites. ... 26 Feb 2010 19:47
Does anyone have a reference to a matlab function or script that can do this on two 100x1 columns? =(J4-J3)/(D4-D3) =(J5-J4)/(D5-D4) =(J6-J5)/(D6-D5) =(J7-J6)/(D7-D6) Thanks! ... 26 Feb 2010 20:53
GUI toggle button problem
How could I use toggle button as a switch? I write the follows under toggle button callback. a=0; while (get(handles.togglebutton1,'Value')) a=a+1 end It should count when the button is pressed down and stop when it's up. However it continues counting. I also try adding following in the loop.... 27 Feb 2010 01:17
dlmread precision
The dlmread function seems to keep only four digits after the decimal from my file. The help file mentions how to set the precision on the dlmwrite, but what to do about dlmread? For example 0.090001184 gets rounded to 0.0090. Since this is my time stamp for my data, it is a big problem to lose the extra precis... 27 Feb 2010 16:34
using bar command in a while loop
How can I use bar plotting function in a while loop & have it plot one bar per loop & SHOW all the bars as the new bars are forming? I have the same problem when I'm using plot as well. any help would be appreciated ... 2 Mar 2010 18:04
Import Problems
I have a text file called threes.txt that is formatted this way: [0, 1, 0; 1, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0] containing 512 3x3 matrices in rows like this. Earlier I did: T = fopen('threes.txt') CT = textscan(T,'[%d,%d,%d;%d,%d,%d;%d,%d,%d]',512) and CT is then a cell array of 9 512x1 objects. I cannot figure out how to properly ... 5 Mar 2010 15:04
Error log reporting
I have a function that keeps crashing matlab. matlab asks me to send off the error log. Unfortunately email is not supported on the machine I am on. There should be an option to save the error log to a file so I could transfer it and then mail it off. I am close to figuring out how to avoid the crash, but it wo... 26 Feb 2010 17:34
Compressing frames prior to saving
I have a matlab program that plots a series of fairly simple 2D graphs. I wish to capture each graph in a frame for playing in a movie later, but the file sizes get prohibitively large. Can anyone suggest a way to compress each frame prior to saving, and de-compress prior to playing each frame in a movie later? ... 26 Feb 2010 16:26
remove some elements from array
% You can use SplitVec here % v=[1 5 6 7 8 9 0 4 5 6 0 44 45 46 47 48 49]; [groups lgt] = SplitVec(v,'cons','split','length'); v = [groups{lgt>=5}] % Bruno ... 26 Feb 2010 16:26