Object Tracking
Hello guys, i am new to the world of Image & Video Processing .. i read a lot about video processing and object tracking using Matlab but still not able to track objects or to plot rectangle around the moving objects .. i am planning on using subtraction of two images and detect the difference as i have been tol... 28 Feb 2010 15:35
Can not run polyfitn.m file
There is still an error when debugging the file. ??? Error: File: C:\MATLAB6p1\work\polyfitn.m Line: 141 Column: 24 Expected a variable, function, or constant, found "|". Could you fix it? ... 28 Feb 2010 14:28
how to make a matrix upside-down by its rows?
for example: A = [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9] how to create a FUNCTION which can make a new array named "A_row_reversed": A_row_reversed = [7,8,9; 4,5,6; 1,2,3] Thanks! ... 28 Feb 2010 12:12
Hi, I had to build a function that converts RGB to HSV. This is what I've done so far but I am not sure if it is correct or not. Plus, I am stuck with Hue conversion.. can someone help me to verify if I am on the right track or at least give a hint. I've tried to verify it using the built in function rgb2hsv in... 28 Feb 2010 12:12
Matlab 2009b and Photoshop CS4 - 64 Bit
Hello. Today I installed Win 7 64 bit. On the 32 bit I used to integrate Photoshop with Matlab as specified here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Photoshop/11.0/WS62AB0C24-121F-401c-9097-ABCE350A075Ba.html Today I tried doing it with the 64 Bit versions of the software (Both Matlab and Photoshop) yet with no success.... 31 Mar 2010 09:50
2nd order differential equation
I'm trying to solve the following: inits='theta1(0)=pi/4,theta2(0)=0'; dsolve('-(200*D2theta2 + 2943*cos(theta1))/(300*cos(theta2) + 200)'... ,'-(1000*D2theta1 + 2943*cos(theta1) + 8829*cos(theta1)+ 600*D2theta1*cos(theta2))/(300*cos(theta2) + 200)'... ,inits) I get the message; Warning: Explicit so... 1 Mar 2010 03:41
Model file creation using m-file
How to add pid controller and workspace from command window? add_block function is not able to access all blocks? ... 11 Mar 2010 14:33
probloe with "to workspace"
Hello, I have a model in simulink with a "to workspace" block, but the variable at the workspace updates only when the simulation is paused or stopped, and I need work with it in real time. What can I do? I have matkab 7.1. Thanks. ... 28 Feb 2010 12:12
plot cube in matlab with a given eight points then translate androtate it!
I have 8 points to plot a cube in matlab.Its start point is [1,1,1].Initially plot this cube then I have to translate 5 unit with respect to(wrt) x then rotate 30 degree wrt x and 40 degree wrt z rotation.Then plot again final position of the cube.How to do it please help me.. ... 28 Feb 2010 11:05
how to get the name of a variable and assign it to a new variabel as string?
how to get the name of a variable and assign it as a string to a new variable? Thanks! ... 28 Feb 2010 16:42