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cleaning up MATLAB path list (Using ML 2007b) I have a long list of MATLAB pathways in the drop down list. Some refer to folders that no longer exist. Is there any way to clear that list? Thanks! Daphne ... 2 Mar 2010 05:41
List coefficients of multivariate polynomial Hi all, I am using the Symbolic Math Toolbox, and define polynoms as symbolic objects, eg: syms a b X P = a^2*b + a*b*X + 2*a*X + b*X^2 I would need to list all coefficients of such a multivariate polynomial, when considered as a polynomial in the variable X for instance. That is, I would need a function tha... 4 Mar 2010 11:11
Can "engEvalString" evaluate my function in m-files? I did the following code in C++, %%%% double a[10]; for (i=0; i<=10;i++) a[i]=10; mxArray *A *B; A=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 10, mxREAL); memcpy((void *)mxGetPr(A), (void *)a, sizeof(a)); int flag=1; engPutVariable(ep,"A",A); flag=engEvalString(ep, "[B]=myfunction(A);"); %%%%% [B]=myfunction(A) is some... 2 Mar 2010 22:35
Help me in SVM classify I am new to this domain........... I don't know what is classification (SVM) and training .... if i use that function such as "svmtrain" in editor it gives error message such as " ??? Undefined function or variable " . whether i have to download any toolbox or interface for using SVM .... reply me......... ... 2 Mar 2010 01:20
s-function building problem Hi all, I have a C++ s-function that I can build successfully on two development machines, but on a third machine MEX tells me: C1189: #error : Must define one of RT, NRT, MATLAB_MEX_FILE, SL_INTERNAL, or FIPXT_SHARED_MODULE It is the exact same code and the same Matlab version. Any ideas? Thanks. ... 2 Mar 2010 01:20
radial gradient Hello Friends, Can you please explain what is radial gradient? A normal gradient(horizontal/vertical) is the difference between a pixel and its preceding pixel. Does this hold true for the radial gradients as well? If so , how can one know about the presence/absence of vignetting effect in images? Please advice ... 2 Mar 2010 02:25
Accurate numerical differentiation in MATLAB? Hello, I'm trying to compute the derivative of a time series. Previous research has shown that simple differences [i.e., using y = diff(x)] produce large errors for large values of derivatives for this particular quantity and that computing the derivative using higher-order polynomials from piecewise Lagrangian inte... 3 Mar 2010 04:04
how to force subplots using the same colorbar I have four subplots with different scale. Say, one changes from 1 to 20, another one changes from 20 to 40. How can I use a single colorbar and colormap for all the subplots? Thanks. ... 2 Mar 2010 04:36
s-function builder hi there :-) I am interested to know about s-function builder, some tutorial links or some documentation and how exactly is it useful in implementing dsp algorithms?as I have only used matlab and simulink bocksets for verification of signal processing algorithms. Thank you:-) ... 2 Mar 2010 00:15
2d gaussian fit Greetings! I have endpoints from a particle diffusion experiment that I would like to fit to a 2d gaussian function, returning the relevant parameters. Also, given several of these particle diffusion experiments (several hundred particle endpoints), I would like to have some measure of whether the distributions a... 2 Mar 2010 00:15 |