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Tridiagonal matrix - Gaussian elimination, loop I have to seek help after running out of resources on this. I have a 39X39 tridiagonal matrix. We are not allowed to use Matrix operations in matlab. we r using iterative methods to solve this. We need to do gaussian elimintation on the system to solve it. It is also called a PADE scheme. We defined 3 vectors (a,b... 18 Mar 2010 22:20
how to vectorize this in matlab hi all i want to eliminate the for statement...but the boundaries need to be fixed. is there a better way of writing this? i am using matlab. thanks d(1) = fi(2) - a*fi(1); d(79) = fi(80) - c*fi(81); for i = 3:79 d(i) = fi(i-1) end where a and c are scalars. ... 18 Mar 2010 21:13
MINLP in MATLAB Dear All, I am new to MATLAB and wondering if I can use any function (solver) to solve Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming. I tried to find a solver by reading the help file in optimization toolbox, without much success (A year back in a course I used fmincon to solve a class room problem, but now I have a large sc... 18 Mar 2010 20:06
MINLP in MATLAB Dear All, I am new to MATLAB and wondering if I can use any function (solver) to solve Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming. I tried to find a solver by reading the help file in optimization toolbox, without much success (A year back in a course I used fmincon to solve a class room problem, but now I have a large sc... 20 Mar 2010 09:46
Plotting with a smooth curve I'm quite sure there is a very straight foward solution to this but I can't seem to find guidance in the help pages! Please can you someone tell me how to smooth the curve on my line plots! Many thanks in advance! ... 19 Mar 2010 05:58
Simple GUI problem I have a parameter in simulink known as 'a' . I want the GUI to assign this value 'a'. For the pushbutton function the code: % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be define... 18 Mar 2010 16:37
MINLP in MATLAB Dear All, I am new to MATLAB and wondering if I can use any function (solver) to solve Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming. I tried to find a solver by reading the help file in optimization toolbox, without much success (A year back in a course I used fmincon to solve a class room problem, but now I have a large sc... 18 Mar 2010 16:37
MINLP in MATLAB Dear All, I am new to MATLAB and wondering if I can use any function (solver) to solve Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming. I tried to find a solver by reading the help file in optimization toolbox, without much success (A year back in a course I used fmincon to solve a class room problem, but now I have a large sc... 18 Mar 2010 16:37
plotting coordinate axes in 3d plot hi All I am wondering if there is an efficient way to plot a coordinate axes (x,y, z unit vectors from common point) at a point in a 3d plot. I am looking to plot the position and orientation of multiple coordinate systems on a single plot. Thank you for your help Conor ... 18 Mar 2010 16:37
using case statement on string inputs when number of case choicesis unknown aashay vanarase wrote: i hav designed a drop down list in my gui that contains list of files present in a folder... but these files are diff each time the folder changes... so how do i get the handles for strings that change.. i cant set the 'value' as i dont kno no. of files in the folder... I'm... 18 Mar 2010 15:29 |