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integer log spacing I want a table of N logorithmically spaced points between 0 and A. The problem is that I want only integers, and no repeats. So I cant use logspace since it will return 1.00001 1.00005 1.0009, etc, which all round down to 1. So is there a way to do something similar to logspace, but only return unique integers? ... 20 Mar 2010 01:44
Plotting data with nonuniform mesh/grid? Hi, I have a Problem. Im new to Matlab and have to solve a Problem: I have a matrix with Data 354x350. The axes are nonlinear x_axis 354x1 and nonlineary y-axis 350x1. I can plot the data but the Image is warped because it shows only evenly spaced axis. Some Ideas anyone? I would really appreciate it. Best... 20 Mar 2010 08:30
Polynomial Fit Hello, I need to hand this assignment to my teacher tomorrow. The problem is that I don't know how to make this matlab file. Can somebody help? ... 20 Mar 2010 13:11
2D Orthogonal Polynomial Surface Fitting Hello everyone, I would really appreciate all of your help. I've scoured the file exchange, looking for a way of fitting a 2D surface with polynomials. After using two (both of which are great! Links at bottom of post) functions on the file exchange, I discovered that orthogonal polynomials are needed, such as Cheby... 22 Mar 2010 07:09
anyone noticed this in bloomberg? in the datafeed in 2010a? >> b=blp; ??? Undefined function or variable 'SessionOptions'. Error in ==> C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010a\toolbox\datafeed\datafeed\@blp\blp.p>blp at 21 ... 8 Apr 2010 20:48
Open a GUI inside other gui Hello, In my gui, I push a button, and open a subgui, and if i push another button I open other subgui. When one of the subgui are opened the other goes to the back of the main gui automatically. I want that the both subgui stays in front off the main gui, at the same time. Anybody knows how can I do that ... 24 Mar 2010 13:29
lsqr function I recently installed version 2009a and I have found that the built-in lsqr function does not give the same results as I was previously getting, given the EXACT same inputs. I was previously running version 7.0.1 (R14) SP1. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. My solution was to keep using the older v... 19 Mar 2010 14:21
repmat elements of cell array "Oleg Komarov" <oleg.komarovRemove.this(a)> wrote in message <ho0aq5$g84$1(a)>... c=num2cell(1:4); cr=cellfun(@(x) repmat(x,2,2),c,'uni',false); num2cell can be avoided: cr = arrayfun(@(x) repmat(x,2,2),b,'un',0); Slightly faster: cr2 = arrayfun(@(x) x.*on... 19 Mar 2010 14:21
FFTW in mex (compiling errors) Hi again, I just thought I'd give feedback about how I went on with this. In the end I had to use the visual studio compiler. Matlab's lcc compiler and cygwin did not work correctly since the functions in the fftw libraries could not be linked. Just use visual studio to produce the .lib files from the .dll's and .de... 15 Apr 2010 18:05
plotting and signaling anomaly Hi everyone, I'd like to know how can i program the continuous data simultaneously as it comes in and how can i program to signal if any anomalies found. thanks!!!!!!!!! ... 19 Mar 2010 13:11 |