Euler and GPS converter
Good Morning Team, Thanks again to everyone who have been helping me on some simple and perhaps not so simple questions in the past. I have come asking for help on another problem. Is there a function in matlab that converts between GPS ellipsoid altitude and Standard sea level? I suppose a bit more specificall... 23 Mar 2010 15:56
thresholding MR Images
Hi, I am opening vendor specific MRI images (not dicom) whose elements are unsigned 16-bit integers. I tried thresholding the "images" using graythresh but always received back a "level" of 0.0. Then I tried saving the MR image data as a TIFF file and applying graythresh() to the TIFF file - same result, i.e., the res... 19 Mar 2010 23:27
problem with Simulink/Stateflow
Hi, I have done in Simulink a model of control of Stewart Plateform and i only have one last error when i run my model , that i can't resolve: Error using ==> stateflow\private\slsf Error using ==> stateflow\private\autobuild_kernel Error using ==> stateflow\private\targetman Error using ==> cd Cannot CD to C:\... 19 Mar 2010 08:10
link one scroll bar to two text-boxes
Hi all, I want to link 2 text-boxes to one scroll bar. Here is one simple example to show you my problem. s = num2str((1:1000)'); h = figure; uicontrol('Parent',h,... 'Units','normalized',... 'Style', 'text', 'String', s,... 'Position', [0.1,0.1,0.2,0.6]); uicontrol('Parent',h,... ... 19 Mar 2010 08:10
custom legend: different data series with the same colors
I have create a plot with several data series, in which they have only two different line colors because all the data series can be subdivided in two category. I would like to create a legend with only one entry for each series, in other words one for the red data series and one for black data series. ... 19 Mar 2010 07:04
Reduce legend size
"us " <us(a)> wrote in message <hnvh4r$g17$1(a)>... "Jan Sousek" <jan.sousek(a)> wrote in message <hnvfm0$noq$1(a)>... I'm facing this problem as well. one of the (tedious) solutions x=0:360; y=sort(rand(size(x))); line(x,y); ... 19 Mar 2010 07:04
Improper index matrix reference
Hello, I have the matrices: E = [1 8 ; 2 9;3 10; 4 6; 5 7; 1 2 ; 2 3 ; 3 4 ; 4 5 ; 5 1; 6 7 ; 7 8 ; 8 9 ; 9 10 ; 10 6;1 7 ; 2 8;3 9; 4 10; 5 6] ; r=[cos(pi/5) -sin(pi/5) 0 ; sin(pi/5) cos(pi/5) 0; 0 0 1]; b = [0 1 0 ; -s1 c1 0 ; -s2 -c2 0 ; s2 -c2 0 ; s1 c1 0 ] ; N=vertcat(r , r*b) ; AND ... 19 Mar 2010 10:46
Reduce legend size
"Jan Sousek" <jan.sousek(a)> wrote in message <hnvfm0$noq$1(a)>... I'm facing this problem as well. one of the (tedious) solutions x=0:360; y=sort(rand(size(x))); line(x,y); lh=legend('a'); disp('press any key to make legend smaller...'); pause; se... 19 Mar 2010 05:58
Reduce legend size
I'm facing this problem as well. ... 19 Mar 2010 05:58
Colormap with plot3?
Hello! I need some help to understand colormap. I currently have a pointcloud in a N*3 matrix with each row beeing a coordinate [X Y Z]. I can plot the raw pointcloud using plot3 (or surf) by a simple "plot3(rMap(:,1),rMap(:,2),rMap(:,3),'.')" Now, I want to add a jet colormap to the pointcloud in order to see heig... 19 Mar 2010 07:04