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Memory problems with large sparse matrices
Hi again, I'm using some quite large sparse matrices while solving network/graph problems with MatlabBGL algorithms ( ). My system is 32-bit Windows Vista with 4GB of physical ram (I know the restrictions of 32-bit OS and I have managed to override... 8 Apr 2010 02:53
image processing
hell if i have did image segmentation and i have some noise out side the shape so how can i clean this noise which function can use thanks for help ... 23 Apr 2010 20:57
Trying to speed up a script - any tips ?
Hello, I have made a script that runs a loop iterating through up to and over a million+ times - I can see processing times will run in the days doing it the way have programmed it... For each iteration a file is read and a little data extracted from it which is written to an array for later use. I thought ra... 8 Apr 2010 03:58
Voronoi Polygon Areas
I would like to calculate the areas of the voronoi polygons generated from data. I have used '[V,C] = voronoin(X)' to obtain verticies and cells of the voronoi diagram, but I am no sure how to calculate the area of the polygons. What is the best way to move forward? Thank You, Dave ... 15 Apr 2010 15:51
opening large files with fopen/fread
Im trying to open some medium size files with fopen/fread. From what i can see, people are claiming that even with 32 bit windows, you can open a 2 gigabyte file. Im using two different computers, each with 8 gb of ram. One is windows 7, 64 bit, and vista 64 bit with matlab 2009 and 2008 respectively. The windows ... 8 Apr 2010 14:00
Khoros Visualization image ( .xv format) not recognized in MATLAB!!
On Apr 7, 3:03 am, vivek_Wohltäter_:) <youshallfin...(a)> wrote: The Khoros Visualization image files are not recognized in MATLAB version 7.6 (R2008a).  << I use Windows XP >> When i use the command imread('example.xv'); it says " unidentified file format"... Anyone know to solve this prob... 7 Apr 2010 22:30
parallel quicksort
Hi I'm Beginner at MATLAB and i need to use this algorithm that implements the CRCW PRAM parallel quicksort in my project. The binary tree construction procedure for the CRCW PRAM parallel quicksort formulation. 1. procedure BUILD TREE (A[1...n]) 2. begin 3. for each process i do 4. begin 5. ... 8 Apr 2010 10:56
Parallel sort
hi I'm a beginner at MATLAB, and i need to write a MATLAB code that is a part of my project to implement a parallel sort algorithm using "Johnson's sequential single-source shortest paths algorithm". Johnson's algorithm uses a priority queue Q to store the value l[v] for each vertex v (V - VT). The priority queue is... 8 Apr 2010 10:56
I have tested my model with the gas charge accumulator and it really showed results that were very wierd. For example, according to the model equation, if the pressure at the accumulator inlet becomes lower than the precharge pressure then the fluid volume should become zero, but im my tests, the model was showing a pr... 7 Apr 2010 20:17
PID controller block tuning
Any one is there who could help me in tune the PID controller block in simulink.I am totally unaware of the procedure how to start up tuning. Thanks in advance ... 8 Apr 2010 17:25
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