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open raw audio files
Hello, I have *.raw audio files and I need to open them in matlab, how can I do so? Thanks for any help. Royi ... 8 Apr 2010 10:55
simulated annealing
Hello, Does anyone here familiar to simulated annealing? I wanted to use this algorithm in MATLAB to estimate 6 parameters in my linear system ODE . I was using simulannealbnd but why it give different value each time i run the code. As far as i know, simulated annealing is the efficient way to get the global minimu... 9 Apr 2010 06:41
Distinguish Shift - click left and Shift - click right
Is there a way to distinguish the SelectionType property in a figure for a Shift - click left and Shift - click right? Both result in the SelectionType 'Extend'... Thx ... 8 Apr 2010 10:56
Setting output decimal precision
Hi, I am looking for a way to _precisely_ define the number of output decimals in the MATLAB command window. I know and am familiar with the 'format' command - however, I can only force it to either give me 4 digits (short) or 15 (long). In this specific case, I want the output (which is a 50*50 matrix) to be sho... 10 Apr 2010 10:11
Setting output decimal precision
Hi, I am looking for a way to _precisely_ define the number of output decimals in the MATLAB command window. I know and am familiar with the 'format' command - however, I can only force it to either give me 4 digits (short) or 15 (long). In this specific case, I want the output (which is a 50*50 matrix) to be sho... 8 Apr 2010 09:27
how to read .grb file
Dear all I have nww3 global monthly wind files, for the years 1998 and 2000. The extension given to the files is .grb . I dont know any of the details of that file, other than mentioned above, as I dont know how to open or read it. So, by google search I got this forum and through some other source, I installed matl... 9 Apr 2010 03:26
Hii all, I need help to get through MATLAB. I am new to Matlab and I have a dataset of 200 molecules with its biological activity value in numers. I have to divide my data in training set and test set in 70%-30% ratio using MATLAB. Could any one please tell me how to do this. Give a quick reply at rounakdubey0... 26 Apr 2010 19:28
Calling Matlab from Java
Hi Guys, I created a small programm in Java which calls matlab and make a nummeric operation there. Now I want get the result back in my Javaconsole. Does somone has any experiance with that problem or give me a small tap in the rigth direction! Thanks in advance! YF ... 14 Apr 2010 18:55
Active Noise Control
Hello, I'm simulating an active noise control system, In one of the stages in need to continuously sample sound (using a for loop) and also continuously play the sound, it looks like this: totalsampling=2000; fs = 44100; for i=1:totalsampling un(i)= wavrecord(1,fs); tic; noise=un(i); unm... 8 Apr 2010 07:14
does matlab just crazy ??
Hi all !! I am new on maltab, and I recently receive my trial DVD, my company plan to purchase a license by the end of the month. BUT... Our project consist of using matlab code/function in a C++ application or DLL. We will see either use the MCR or just the PC where matlab have been install. So I use the mc... 15 Apr 2010 12:30
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