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Sequential counting with placeholder zeros
This may be more of an algorithm question rather than a coding question-- I'm trying to access file names in a sequential manner, and usually it wouldn't be an issue, except that the file names are assigned as follows: file0000, file0001, file0002, etc. Those placeholder zero's really mess things up! If I use so... 9 Apr 2010 11:07
Reply AODV
tuan le thanh <lethanhtuanbk(a)> wrote in message <e0bfba2f-b91f-48f8-ba48-5560027e3f61(a)>... I'm working in a lab, my work is to reseach about AODV and simulation AODV routing protocol. Now, i feel difficultly about code ADOV. Please help me! what have YOU done so far to s... 9 Apr 2010 03:26
Householder QR Factorization (storing vector results)
Hi, How do I store the results of a vector in a matrix especially when the length of that vector changes at every step? I am solving the Householder QR factorization and need to store vk inside Qu. My algorithm is below: function [Qu, R] = houseqr(A) %This subroutine, houseqr, computes the QR factorization of A. ... 9 Apr 2010 03:26
Filling an array
Hello, A newbie question: I have a four-dimensional array with an element (i, j ,k, l). How to fill this array, so that for all j, k, l I get the same column-vector (:, j, k, l )? ... 9 Apr 2010 03:26
serial communication
I am trying to do a serial interface on a medical pump via Matlab using examples of serial communication that I have found on the internet, but what seems like a really simple task just isn't working for me. Here are the codes that I've been trying with: !mode com1:9600,n,8,1 s = serial('COM1'); fopen(s); fprin... 9 Apr 2010 02:20
to get RGB back after compression
i hope somebody can help me.. how to get the RGB of image after compression process. ... 9 Apr 2010 06:42
root locus plot from rlocus command
I'm confused a little on the MATLAB rlocus plot. When I plot my open loop TF with controller using the rlocus, what am I changing when I use my cursor and move the black square around? I thought I was changing the location of the poles of the closed loop TF? The yellow box shows gain is changing? If it's gain t... 9 Apr 2010 17:51
Index arbitrage code/readings help please!
Hello everyboday, Right now I am working on the project about the stock index arbitrage strategies, anybody who have matlab codes or other codes or relating materials could help me out. Thanks a lot David ... 9 Apr 2010 01:15
Access element in a matrix returned from a function in a single statement
Are there any ways to access element in a matrix that returned from a function in a single statement ? magic(3) ans = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 ans(1,1) ans = 8 How can I access element 1,1 of magic(3) without store the result of magic(3) into a variable ? I h... 9 Apr 2010 05:37
button press event on axes not firing after calling ginput
Hi, I am trying to use ginput to pick some coordinates point on an image plotted over an axes. At the same time, I have defined some callback functions to the axes to detect scrollwheel and key press. % scrollwheel set(gcf,'WindowScrollWheelFcn',{@axes_main_WindowScrollWheelFcn, handles}); However, after using... 9 Apr 2010 00:09
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