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Optmizaing a vector of 1-D functions
Hello, I need to maximize a vector of 1D scalar functions (so to get a vector of variables that maximize corresponding elements of this vector of functions). As far as I know /fminbnd/ can only work with scalar functions. So, what's the possible solution to my problem? ... 8 Apr 2010 16:17
colormap problem plz help!!!!!!11
Display the peaks profile in only two colors. Negative values in red and positive values blue. Define a colormap for this purpose. ... 8 Apr 2010 14:00
Numerical Newton Rapshon
i have a problem please help me... sin(α)-(sinθ ) e^(-(2π+α-θ)/ωRC) =0 this equation must be solve with newhton rapshon,,please help ... 8 Apr 2010 14:00
Please help i have to make listing for this equation sin(α)-(sinθ ) e^(-(2π+α-θ)/ωRC)=0 please help me, thanx you ... 8 Apr 2010 19:41
edge linking problem
Hello all, I have a binary image which consists of edges. I need to generate a list of distinct edges. When generating edges I need to define a minimum length which is in pixels (e.g. minlength = 3 pixel) and my edgelist will not contain these edges. There are programs at 8 Apr 2010 14:00
Loading Labview Binary Data
This post explains the Labview binary data format. I couldn't find all of this information in any one place so this ought to help anyone in the future. The Labview VI "Write to Binary File" writes data to a file in a linear format using Big Endian numbers of the type wired into the "Write to Binary File" VI. The a... 8 Apr 2010 13:59
capture frames from live video streaming
hello, Please i'm trying it's been a week using the getsnapshot() to capture frames from a live video stream to get an image do some tests on it actually image subtraction, new image - old image to check for movements i was able to do it when reading a video but i'm interested more in doing it when capturin... 8 Apr 2010 12:34
how to change the space between bars of different columns in bar3()
Hi when I use the bar3(x) (x is a matrix) to draw bars in 3D view, the space between bars in subsequent columns are rather small which is automatically determined by matlab. how can I adjust the space between bars corresponding to different columns in the x matrix. Apparently this should be adjusting the space betwe... 8 Apr 2010 12:34
simulink input
Hello, I have a one row array of numbers and would like to input that instead of modifying it into two rows per the .mat input requirement. Is there another way to input data into Simulink? I haven't found one. Thanks, Matt ... 8 Apr 2010 18:33
Simulink FFT
Hello, My team is working on a signal processing project. We are modeling our system in Simulink. We generate our own input data and pass this into the system using the From File Block where we input the .mat input signal. The next step is to pass this input array through an FFT. We are using the FFT block pro... 18 Apr 2010 17:30
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