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displaying an image I have version 7.4.0 R2007a matlab. I was wondering how do I display an image without an image toolbox? ... 13 Apr 2010 07:15
write ASCII data and append Let assume In test.dat file i want to save value like that 2.0 3.0 4.0 ... 12 Apr 2010 23:40
bar plots Hey Everybody How do I change the color of the two y-axes? I want the color of the y-axes to be respectivily red and blue as the color of the bars. f1 = @(x, y) bar(x, y, 0.4); f2 = @(x, y) bar(x, y, 0.3); [AX,H1,H2]=plotyy(1:5,5:9,1:5,10:14,f1,f2) strings={'Test1' 'Test2' 'Test3' 'Test4' 'Test5'} set(AX,'xt... 12 Apr 2010 09:10
graph drawing I am stuck in a part of a project I'm doing I need some matlab code to allow the user to click any number of points mean while drawing a triangle after any three clicked points. i.e. the clicked points should be the corners of the triangle. Also to allow the user to keep clicking so for each three points clicked a di... 13 Apr 2010 16:12
Random matrix with boundaries I would like to generate a 15 * 20 random matrix ranging from -2 and 2, and then find the maximum and minimum values inside the matrix. Then using loops, set all matrix elements that exceed the value of 1.2 to the maximum while setting the elements below -1.2 to the minimum. Can someone help me please? ... 12 Apr 2010 08:05
To find X at which Y is maximum Hii, I have X, Y data. I need to find maximum of Y between equal intervals, i.e., i=255000:5000:570000; peak=max(Y(i),Y(i+5000)); Now I need to find X at which Y is maximum since I need a plot between Max of Y and X at which it is occurring. Can someone help me?? Thanx ... 13 Apr 2010 06:10
How to transform equations in matrix form? Hello, I have 5 linear (very long) equations and want to transform them into a more conveniently matrix form: A*x=b. How can I do that with Matlab? The equations are too long, to do this by hand. Thank you for your help! ... 12 Apr 2010 18:08
Equations depicting 2 DOF Dear All Good day I have to find solution to following two equations L1 Cos (theta1)+ L2 Cos (theta2)=x L1 Sin (theta1) + L2 Sin (theta2)=y here L1, L2, x and y are known is there any direct function available? best regards, imran ... 13 Apr 2010 08:20
Conditional sampling from multivariate normal distribution Hi all! In Matlab I know the mvnrnd(MU,SIGMA) function. This gives me a random vector drawn from multivariate normal distribution characterized by MU and SIGMA. Now I am searching for the simplest way to get a value for only one of the attributes that make up the vector (given that I know the values of the rest attr... 23 Apr 2010 20:57
DAE_examples_70/ex12.m Regarding with the DAE example ex12, (Manuscript of 'Solving Index-1 DAEs in MATLAB and Simulink') The PDEs are of the form, 0 = D^2(u1)/Dx^2 - exp(-2*u2) D(u2)/Dt = D^2(u2)/Dx^2 + exp(-2*u2) - ex... 12 Apr 2010 05:54 |