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Maple or Mupad?
I want to know which is the latest available version of MATLAB and if it uses Maple or MuPAD ... 11 Apr 2010 22:19
Copy and paste code into MATLAB m-fiLe and run it. Please help us out in when u click on "A" for example, it should pop up an A on the screen above it. Right now you can tell, when u click on the words on the listbox, it pops up on the screen above it. I would like to have that happen plus clicking on a letter from a p... 13 Apr 2010 15:03
Read Image to Matrix in Simulink
Dear All, Can u help me about how to read image to matrix in simulink? I see in simulink, if i use ImageFromFile, it have the output R G B port. So, If i need to proceed that image to matrix.... pls help me about it. Thanks for all, TAUFIQ ... 11 Apr 2010 21:14
Elman rolling or sliding window in time series forecasting
Dear all, There are two approaches in updating forecasting models over time: the rolling and moving(sliding) window. The rolling window approach uses all available data to train neural networks while the moving window approach uses a set of most recent observations to estimate the model. In summary: rolling window =... 11 Apr 2010 21:14
duality gap value in linprog
Hi everyone, Can you please tell me how to find the value of the duality gap at the exit in linprog function? I'm interested in evaluating the accuracy of the solution produced. Thanks a lot!! ... 11 Apr 2010 21:14
error saving desktop configuration
Hi everyone, I found that I resolved the issue by navigating to C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Mathworks\MATLAB\R2009a (Replace '(Username)' with your windows user name, and R2009a with your MATLAB version) and then deleting all the contents of this folder. It's roughly equivalent to clearing the cache in you... 11 Apr 2010 21:13
Creating a polygon in matlab
Hi, How do you create a polygon in matlab? I only want the points on the perimeter. Say a hexagon, and I only want N points on the border of the hexagon. How do I do this in matlab? (I know patch returns a polygon but that's not the border) Thanks so much. ... 11 Apr 2010 21:13
Using loadlibrary with NVIDIA CUDA (CUBLAS and CUFFT) libraries
Hi, I would like to use the NVIDIA CUDA (CUBLAS and CUFFT) libraries from within MATLAB using the loadlibrary command. I am running MATLAB R2010a on 64-bit Linux Ubuntu 9.10, gcc 4.4, with CUDA Toolkit 3.0. Here is what I get when I try to run the loadlibrary command: loadlibrary('libcublas', '/usr/local/cud... 2 May 2010 10:55
matlab output format problem
well basicly I wrote a little program. It should display a 1xSomething matrix with numbers, the thing is I want all the numbers to be displayed in a "normal" format, so not scientific, fractioned or anything. but this is what I get: 7250531517275832*2^(-39) 744 744 ... 18 Apr 2010 13:03
Replacing cells that have elements
Dear Donn, Judas! c(find(strncmp('Meat', c, 4))) = {'Cool'} Or without FIND: c(strncmp('Meat', c, 4)) = {'Cool'} Jan ... 11 Apr 2010 17:54
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