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optimal linear prediction in image processing?
On 11 apr, 22:32, MBALOVER <mbalov...(a)> wrote: Hi all, I am wondering if you guys know any paper or book chapter discussing optimal linear prediction for 2D or more specifically for image processing? I tried to look for it in the library in my university but could not find it. 'Linea... 11 Apr 2010 17:54
Neural network on the PLC
Hello, i have a problem. I need to calculate an exit from an neural network in Siemens s7-300 series PLC. I am using a nntool in Matlab for neural networks, and now i need to transfer this data into the memory of PLC, and then i need to calculate an exit from my network, using this data... I am familiar working with nn... 11 Apr 2010 16:48
MATLAB Compiler Toolbox Additions
I'm curious to know if there is anyway to create a folder in the Toolboxes folder in MATLAB that contains additional functions (PTB functions, showinfowindow.m, etc.) and configure the compiler in such a way so that I can add that folder as an "extra" toolbox. I'm trying to get around putting functions and toolboxes in... 11 Apr 2010 16:48
data cursor for images
I am trying to edit the data cursor to display basically (x,y,variable) where 'variable' is the 3rd dimension I am plotting. So essentially I am trying to do this: figure; pcolor(double(x),double(y),double(variable)) colormap xlabel('.....') ylabel('.....') title('.......') I would like to edit in datacurs... 12 Apr 2010 01:35
Maclaurian Series in Matlab
My problem says to find the Maclaurian series of "f" and its radius on convergence. Graph "f" and its first few Taylor Polynomials on the same screen. f= sqrt(1 +x) How do I find a mac series on Matlab? Thanks ... 11 Apr 2010 21:13
drawing triangles
I am stuck in a part of a project I'm doing I need some matlab code to allow the user to click any number of points mean while drawing a triangle after any three clicked points. meaning the clicked points should be the corners of the triangle. Also to allow the user to keep clicking so for each three points clicked a... 11 Apr 2010 15:41
Random matrix with boundaries
I would like to generate a 15 * 20 random matrix ranging from -2 and 2, and then find the maximum and minimum values inside the matrix. Then using loops, implement an approximation technique setting all matrix elements that exceed the value of 1.2 to the maximum while setting the elements below -1.2 to the minimum. Can... 11 Apr 2010 16:48
kernel function
hi everyone, svm depends on the kernel function so many literature focusing on trying to change kernel function or their parameters... lastly, when i was wandering i found the following kernel function K=(Xi min_s (Xi min_s Xj)) &#8226;(Xj min_s (Xj min_s Xi)); knowing that "min_ s" referring to scalar minus ... 11 Apr 2010 14:32
hey guys i need ur help plz i have 2 matrix of equal size and i need to put them in a table thx for ur help ... 11 Apr 2010 19:01
Problem with saving an animation
Hey guys!, I've been working with an m-file for some time now, and it contains an animation which I use to help visualize what i'm doing and it works fine. However, I now want to use the animation for a powerpoint presentation but I cant get movie2avi to create a file for me. I need to do this before I can even star... 11 Apr 2010 14:32
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