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Saving the legend when saving plots in GUI
Hi I am trying to save the plots created in the GUI I developed. I am able to save the plots but I am not able to save the legends present in the plots. Please tell me how can i save the legend along with the plot? ... 12 Apr 2010 10:17
Sptool Spectral analysis
Hello, I am using sptool to analyze data taken from accelerometers. I have been getting all negative values on the Y-axis. The fft looks normal but again is all below zero. I was lead to believe that sptool would display positive fft values. Any knowledge as to why I am getting these results would be greatly appreci... 12 Apr 2010 10:17
Holding legend in boxplots
I am plotting two boxplots in one figure using hold on in matlab 7.1. Legend of the first boxplot gets lost when second one is plotted. How can i hold the legend as well? I ... 15 Apr 2010 06:56
openGL bug
I am also having this problem. I have an ATI Radeon HD 3600 card, using Matlab R2008b on XP. Sounds it's our ATI cards. Anyone know if there's a patch for this? If not, what's the solution? Incidentally, I get the problem when I use pcolor and imshow in two separate subplots in one figure. Doesn't matter ... 14 Apr 2010 21:09
Exporting figure commands
Hi All, is there a way of writing in a code all the necessary steps to export a pictures into a file? I mean all the steps that you normally do from the FIGURE menus, such as File-> export setup->Size (Apply to figure) Rendering (Colorspace CMYK color) Fonts 14 ... save as ... head.jpg and so on... ... 12 Apr 2010 11:24
Mapping Troubles with Geotiff
Hi there; I believe this may be a fairly trivial job, but I'm certainly having trouble with it as I'm new to such mapping functions. I'm attempting to plot a Geotiff image in Matlab. I am able to view the image using: mapshow(filename) but the projection, as found using "geotiffinfo" is: GCS = Unknown datum ... 12 Apr 2010 09:10
How do I change the axes on an image?
Hey guys, I have a N by M matrix, A, which I am plotting as an image using imagesc(A). The problem is that the axes have the tick marks labeled with the rows / cols of the matrix (from 1 to 512) but I need it to go from 0 to 4000. How can I do this? I can't seem to find the right keyword to search for, or maybe ... 12 Apr 2010 09:10
Define pointer between multiple axes
Hi, I'm a student of Computer Engineering at 'La Sapienza' university in Rome and i'm development a GUI for visualization of mri images. I have six axes in which are displayed the images.Particularly in every axes is displayed a projection of every image. The images are displayed by using the imagesc command(so the ... 13 Apr 2010 08:20
I need your help please !
Hi, I am Abay from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia badly in need of OCR code for a project which will be due after two weeks. The project aims at solving challenges in developing OCR system for Amharic characters. Preprocessing tasks include binarization (local and global), noise removal (linear, median, and adap... 12 Apr 2010 09:10
hi .. im new with matlab and having difficulties on plotting the graph.. supposed if i have : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time = [0 10]; [time_hist1, state_hist1] = ode45(@dydt2DOF,Time,Y0); % Plotting the vehicle body displ... 12 Apr 2010 11:24
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