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xPC Target problem: Target disconnects during certain Host operations I have established a connection between my xPC Host and Target PCs. My Target model builds and downloads onto the Target PC successfully. A brief description of my system setup: On my Host, I run a gui that, when its Start button is clicked, starts my Host Simulink model running. (The Host Simulink model is the model t... 23 Apr 2010 17:33
Neural Network inputs I am working on constructing a neural network for function approximation. I appreciate if someone can help direct me to Matlab material about : 1: how to introduce input parameters, I have binary and continuous parameters, do I need to preprocess these inputs first? how would the network know that a 0 0 1 0 0 for exam... 14 Apr 2010 18:55
parameter optimization for Simulink models with S functions I am trying to optimize parameters to a simulink model with an S-function that takes the parameters that I want to optimize. When I run the parameter optimization, the cost function does not change for the various iterations, and my model does not show any changes from the very first prediction that takes the initial ... 20 Apr 2010 15:58
signal problem I have Bernoulli Binary Generator (it is NRZ and i need RZ, and with 10 samples per frame). How can i plot the signal in time (the problem is that the time vector and signal vector are in different size). The 0 and 1 the Bernoulli generates . 1. How to plot output from the generator? 2. is it possible to extand th... 14 Apr 2010 17:47
Stability of xPC Target system over time? Does anyone know whether, if I'm not planning to use my xPC Target setup for a few days, I should shut down my Target PC, or can I keep it booted up as the xPC Target? A few days ago, I returned to working with my Target PC after a few days away from it; the floppy drive randomly started grinding and whirring, and ... 23 Apr 2010 17:33
How to put on GUI a web camera <a href="">Car Instructions</a> <a href="">Winter Driving</a> <a href="">Free Carfax</a> <a href=" 14 Apr 2010 16:39
global variable - edit box i have created an edit box using guide in which user will input the values. this value must be saved as a variable and this variable will be used to calculate the other functions. this input data will be global for all the functions. each function is saved separately as single files and will be called in . how to ... 14 Apr 2010 16:39
I want to create a m-file by command: edit filename. somethingwrong! Jan Simon wrote: Dear Qingping! In past, I wanted to create a m-file by type command "edit filename". If filename is not exist, matlab would create it in automatic. Today, I use "edit mathworks.m" to create file, it tells me File 'mathworks.m' not found. No idea. On my computer this ... 14 Apr 2010 16:39
Change size of Principal Component Visualization Tool (mapcaplot) Is it possible to change the size of GUI for plotting PCA scatter plots using mapcaplot ? Currently it seems that the guisize is fixed but it could be nice to make it larger when using large data sets. ... 14 Apr 2010 16:39
Non linear PDE - Three point centered finite difference Hello, I would like to resolve a non linear PDE (used in porous media) which looks like: H*d2u/dz2=dU/dt, with H = (k1/Y)*dsig/dY ; Sig = k2*(Y^2-1)/(Y^2+1)*exp((Y^2-1) ; Y=1+du/dz ; with one initial condition: U(z=0, t)=0 and 2 BC : U(0,t)=0 and sig(h,t)=sig0 k1, k2, sig0 are constants... 20 Apr 2010 15:54 |