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Data brushing in Custom UI
Hi, I am trying to use the standard data brushing feature in a custom UI, but cannot find a way to do the same. basically what I want is that, I can plot my waveform, highlight the points which are to be deleted and then when I press save, it flags those points in some manner. Then in my main program I will use ... 15 Apr 2010 19:12
signal collection and real time feedback
Hi, I am going to use MATLAB to collect experiment data of the finger force. I want to let subjects see the force they produce, so is there any method to provide the real time feedback via GUI or Simulink? Thanks all A ... 15 Apr 2010 19:12
Advantages of for and while loops?
Say you have a function f(x) that you wish to integrate in steps from a to b. Two ways of writing this program would be: syms x; i=1; while i<=10 I=int(f(x),i-1,i) i=i+1; end syms x; for i=1:10 I=int(f(x),i-1,i) end Obviously the while loop is more code to write, but will it effect the e... 15 Apr 2010 19:12
Erorr:Subscript indices must either be real positive integersor logicals
Abdel-karim wrote: I have the following statements but when execute them the erorr {{{ Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals }}} appear please if anyone has any comment or solution for this send to me %************************************************ syms x; for ... 17 Apr 2010 10:45
Erorr:Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals
I have the following statements but when execute them the erorr {{{ Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals }}} appear please if anyone has any comment or solution for this send to me %************************************************ syms x; for i=0:24 E(i)=int(((0.09)*x^(2)*ex... 17 Apr 2010 04:16
exported *.eps figure is very washed out/faded
Hi, I am exporting a series of contourf figures (using 'jet' colormap) as 7" x 1.5" EPS figures. When I load them in Adobe Illustrator, the colors look horrible (very washed out & faded... the 'zing' of the color is missing). If anyone can recommend how to maintain the nice, sharp color quality of the original matlab... 15 Apr 2010 18:05
exported *.eps figure is very washed out/faded
Hi, I am exporting a series of contourf figures (using 'jet' colormap) as 7" x 1.5" EPS figures. When I load them in Adobe Illustrator, the colors look horrible (very washed out & faded... the 'zing' of the color is missing). If anyone can recommend how to maintain the nice, sharp color quality of the original matlab... 15 Apr 2010 18:05
Extracting variables from multiple *.txt files and having the
If you can't tell, I'm slightly new with try and bear with me. It doesn't matter if each matrix has a name that reflects the *.txt name. I'll just have to manually label each plot so that it reflects the file name that it came from because at some point I'm going to have to show where each data set came ... 15 Apr 2010 21:28
Stopping & Starting M-files
I need help writing a m-file that runs until a certain condition is met then prints some output and gives the user the opportunity to accept the output and stop running the file or reject the output and continue running the file without completely restarting the file. ... 15 Apr 2010 20:21
improoving speed with some arrays
I have the next code: clear all close all clc format long mu=linspace(-3,0,600); n=3000; X=[]; B=[]; XX=[]; BB=[]; plot([-exp(1),-exp(1)],[0, -1],'--r'); hold on; plot([-exp(1), 0],[-1, -1],'--r'); hold on; for i=1:length(mu) x0=-exp(1)-0.5; X=[]; for j=1:n x0=mu(i)*exp(x0); X=[... 15 Apr 2010 19:12
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