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p-values Hi i am elsa and i need your support! How do i calculate the p-values for the cross-correlation? ... 15 Apr 2010 13:37
rectangular grid on cylinder can someone explain me how i can use rectangular grid on cylinder for 3d. Regards ... 15 Apr 2010 12:30
using fmincon-what's wrong with my function coding?can anyone check it for me? im using fmincon toolbox GUI to find the minimum value of width to be designed. here is the function file: function f = Design_area(x,sigma) f = x(1)*x(2); function[c,ceq] = beam_constraint(x,sigma) sigma = 200*10^8; c(1) = 1000 - (sigma*x(1)*x(2)); c(2) = 1000 - (sigma*x(1)*x(2)); ceq = []; lb = [10 0]; ... 15 Apr 2010 12:30
Simulation of SPIM Can any one mail me the simulation of Single Phase Induction Motor(mdl File). I am doing the closed loop sensorless vector control of it. Pls help me as it is very urgent. ... 15 Apr 2010 12:30
Does Real-Time Windows Target support this? Hi friends, As far as I know, for a laptop without any RS232 port, there are at least 2 ways to add one to it: 1. use a USB-to-RS232 cable 2. use a PCMIA-to-RS232 card According to my experience, the first way doesn't work with Real-Time Windows Target. The software just doesn't recognize it. I heard that this ... 15 Apr 2010 12:30
help... but how can i upload a screen shot??? here i can upload only text... so how can i show you that what i want to do by posting an image??? ... 15 Apr 2010 14:44
How to create M-file or Mex file I am working with Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. After I completed FIS then I apply "evalfis()' to evaluate output value however I have very large set of numbers I need some easier way to put input. I know M-file or Mex-file can be applied for a given set of inputs, but I do not know how to do. Kindly give me some directions. ... 15 Apr 2010 11:22
Changing specific value in XML file Hi This is a chunk of the xml file (say it's called "FILENAME.xml) I'm working on: <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_01" name="k18" value="0.1"> </ListOfConstants> I know how to read in FILENAME.xml into MATLAB and calling 'ListOfConstants' by doing: xDoc = xmlread('FILENAME.xml); A = xDoc.g... 15 Apr 2010 11:22
triangular factorization of sparse matrix hai In my hand I have only "A" matrix, which is sparse matrix size of (m x n); Whereas A is concatenation of two matrix [Ae;Ar], Ae is size of (s x n) & Ar is size of (q x n); I should do the triangular factorization by row pivolting and get the following matrix [Le;Mr]*[Ue]. Resultant matrix sizes: Le ... 15 Apr 2010 11:22
Removing Image Curvature We have a Matlab routine that calculates certain distances based on an acquire image. We have found though that the images have some curvature to them because of the camera that we use. Is there a way to remove the curvature from our calculations so that we end up with true Cartesian measurements? Thanks. -Ti... 15 Apr 2010 11:22 |