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Put a model in a subsystem with matlab commands? Background: In order to normalize Simulink models I am trying to create a Matlab function that will put the model in a subsystem if a subsystem is not the first level of my model, changes the colors of my inputs/outputs and check the name of some of my blocks. My problem is to find the most efficient way to put a mo... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
cpSelect; manual feature/point tracking Hi everyone, I am trying to write a Matlab GUI program that allows me to manually track arbitrary points/features in a video. To go that I would add control points manually in all relevant frames of the video. Therefore, I am looking for a function or so in order to implement the setting of control points much like... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
lapack Hi everybody I need an mex file example which show me how can i use LAPCK (or LAPACK++ for C++) in this example. So somebody can help me. meanwhile in extern\example\.... could not find a such example. (Please if some body can, give me complete help) Thanks ... 23 Apr 2010 20:59
creating a square wave grating using matlab and mgl > see help rectpuls Hi, thanks for trying, but that's not what she needs. Sarah needs gratings, not a matrix of 0's and 1's. ... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
Java problem Hi, I'm running Matlab 2007b. When I run a simulation I often end up with the following message in the command window: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space I can't fix this problem. Does anyone has a solution for 2007b? Marno ... 20 Apr 2010 18:28
Band Pass Filter I have an image with 2 different surface. one is smooth another is rough... I would like to detect the rough surface...Thought of using a band pass filter to remove the low freq components and high freq noise. then by a thresholding operation and low pass filter... Anyone has example coding of the operations above?? ... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
How does the SQP algorithm deal with nonlinear functions? Hello all! I have been using in my research the fmincon function with the SQP algorithm to successfully optimize a nonlinear function with 3 independent variables and only bound constraints, and I have been asked by a reviewer of my work to explain how exactly does the SQP algorithm deal with nonlinear objective fu... 20 Apr 2010 15:58
exporting patch data to Pov-ray Did you figure this out yet? Exporting the patch h without color information is no problem: verts = get(h,'Vertices'); v = sprintf('vertex_vectors {\n%i,\n', size(verts,1)); v = [v sprintf('<%f, %f, %f>,\n', verts')]; v = v(1:end-2); v = [v sprintf('\n}\n')]; norms = get(h,'VertexNormals'); n = sprintf('... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
Region of interest of image Hi, I wish to define a region of interest in an image that I read in. However, I want to display this and process only this region afterwards. I have tried using the function 'imrect' but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I would appreciate any help!! Kind regards, Susan ... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
Gaussian distribution I have matrix A as 100*100*40. How to generate Gaussian distribution of A. Regards ... 20 Apr 2010 15:58 |