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Creating a bar graph from an input file I am able to load a .txt file into Matlab using the "load file_name" command. The file contains 2 columns of data, each with one value (basically, just two numbers). I want to create a bar graph, but I cant figure out how to do so when the two numbers I want to graph come from an input file. ... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
Slider in GUI Hello members, Do you know how i can rotate a slider in GUI from horizontal to vertical and vice versa ? Or i should draw it again and to affect all functions !!! Thanks for your help ... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
Parallel Implementation of Code in Matlab I have a question that whether we need to separately write code for parallel implementation of a code or the Matlab automatically implements the code parallely. ... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
What type of NNet problem is this Options Hello, I am doing research in another field and as such I am not very good at NNet. I hope people here can give me small advise and insight on this. I need a trained NNet to look at current status of my system and select one of possible 9 moves/decisions. The network will be trained by supplying previo... 20 Apr 2010 19:40
merging ODE45 results So I have two seperate programs. The first, solved by ODE45 outputs matrix [t,Q], the second outputs matrix [t,P] also solved by ODE45. I need to use the results [t,Q] in the right hand side equation that ODE45 solves for [t,P]. Run the first program, obtain [t,Q], now I need to use Q at time t in the program... 20 Apr 2010 15:58
fmincon problem Hi All, I am using 'active-set' algorithm in fmincon to optimize a multidimensional nonlinear continuous function with only bound constraints. In the output, I get the message "Local minimum possible, constraints satisfied" and exitflag is 5. This means that "the predicted change in the objective function, is less... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
What algorithm behind ppual() ? : Evaluate ppform function. Dear friends, I have a bivariate look-up table which I parameterised with cubic spline interpolant (i.e., csapi()). I am able to evaluate range of given two variable with found "ppform" structure and "ppual()" method. As I get satisfiable result in MATLAB, I want to mimic functionality of ppual() in my C++ code t... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
to replace intensity values i am a newbie to matlab can any one tell how to replace the grayscale values in a single command? actually i have to use a log function on my image... i declared the image as double.. but its showing a warning that log 0 is not defined. so i want to change all the zeros to small value like 1/1024 pls help me ... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
get currentpoint in two axes Hi all, I have a GUI application where I have two axes overlaid in the same figure. I'd like for the user to be able to click on a point in the figure and retrieve the CurrentPoint coordinates in both axes coordinates. That is, I'd like the same location on the screen to map to 2 coordinate systems: the axes1 coordi... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
Tuples give fast performance? I have heard that tuples are less efficient when compared to pre-allocated matrices. I was wondering, if the tuples contain pre-allocated matrices, does this slow down computation time? I have very elongated tuples, however I seem to get very fast performance still... for instance: a = {} a{group}{metric}{subject... 20 Apr 2010 15:57 |