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Use of kstest() function in Matlab I need to perform the kolmogorov Smirnov test to check whether a particular set of data is coming from a power-law distribution. I'll be appreciate it very much, if someone can explain me how to use this function to check the power-law distribution? Thank you very much! Regards, Rosh. ... 25 Apr 2010 22:17
Separable (VarPro) Nonlinear Least Squares, LSQCURVEFIT, Jacobiansand Confidence Intervals Eric Diaz wrote: Bump...geez there has been a lot of spam on here! Yes, we've been getting a bunch of spam about Separable Nonlinear Least Squares. I hope that something can be done to these spammers and about the spam, my posts are getting lost in the mix... Your posts are not getting lost in th... 25 Apr 2010 22:17
Matlab under Windows 7 Hello; I have Matlab R2009b installed on my PC, the OS is Windows 7. When I need to deploy a project, I got this error: ['cmd.exe' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne ou externe, un programme ex‚cutable ou un fichier de commandes.] which means Cmd.exe' is not recognized as internal or externa... 27 Apr 2010 21:18
hey some one help me........ hi, i am a beginner at MATLAB, the task assigned to me is move an object in 3D axis by feeding three sine waves to it and change the parameters of x,y and z by changing the frequency rate of three signals. let us suppose it i take a sine wave of 2kHz, i change it to 1KHz to 3kHZ and define that after every 200Hz ch... 26 Apr 2010 13:46
Distributed detection dear all; i'm working in distributed detection system in WSN, please if any one can help me how to simulate the likelihood ratio test in MatLab. and how probability of detection and probability of false alarm to be evaluated from this likelihood ratio test ... 25 Apr 2010 20:04
lsqnonlin, badly scaled matrix Dear All, I am using the lsqnonlin algorithm to fit ODE parameters (4 parameters & 2 ODEs) to my biochemical network and get for some versions of the model the message: "Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.828317e-16." The objective function 'fun' ... 26 Apr 2010 03:41
matrix import Hello, I have 2 excel files which have to be imported into Matlab, however, one file is not imported fully, only one part of it, even though in open office document the file looks intact. Does anybody know why that is the case? Thank you. Anna ... 25 Apr 2010 20:04
power spectral density Hi all, I have a signal vector (Fase1vuoto1) with length(Fase1vuoto1). I would like to obtain power/frequency values of each frequency component. I used Hpsd=dspdata.psd(...) function and i can obtain the Frequency versus Power/frequency plot. But, i need them in two different vectors. How can i obtain such vectors ... 25 Apr 2010 20:04
xlswrite I have written following code for interpolating data points... load rawdata.txt a=rawdata; for i=1:9793%total number of data points c = a(i,:);%original value b = [2.5, 5., 7.5];%old location d = [4., 7.];%new location where the data is needed x=interp1(b,c,d);% D2(:,i)=x; end xlswrite('interpolated_... 25 Apr 2010 20:04
for loop combined with if loop.. (new to matlab) Hello, My group and I are dealing with MATLAB for the first time and we are analyzing a wind turbine.. We want to see what forces act on the wind turbine during a rotation. ----- intv=2*pi/64 for theta=0:intv:2*pi if 0<=theta<pi/2 alpha = 1 elseif pi/2<=theta<pi alpha = 2 elseif pi<=theta<3/2*pi alpha ... 25 Apr 2010 16:42 |