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Making a music player with Matlab Hello, I'm trying to make a audio player similar to winamp and etc using Matlab. I am on my fig right now and need help coding my Load button which allows the user to obtain files, makes matlab read it, and puts the file name in a list box named list. Right now I have function load_Callback(hObject, eventdata, ha... 27 Apr 2010 09:52
Adding text boxes to browser window Hi, Howto add text boxes to browser window obtained by uigetfile()? ... 27 Apr 2010 16:47
permutation Hi, how can I create all permutation of the 3 chars in a string like UVW? I guess, this are 9 tuples. Maybe the permutation of 123 could work for me also. Thanks, Olaf ... 27 Apr 2010 04:19
import data from excel 2007 with more than 65536 rows to matlab Hi, I have a xlsx file with 3,00,000 rows. I need to import that to matlab. I have tried xlsread, csvread, importdata, csv2struct but i am unable to load more than 65536 rows at one time. Kindly help me how can i import all the data at one time. Regards, Ashish Gupta ... 29 Apr 2010 20:21
simultaneous parameter variation I want to vary two parameters simultaneously in a for loop. What should i do? for example for c1=[1;2;3] && c2=[4;5;6] t = c1+c2 end This code doesn't work . but the idea is to use pair of c1 and c2 in each loop. Please help. ... 27 Apr 2010 09:52
power_dstatcom_pwm, change capacity How to change the existing capacity +/- 3MVAR of the dstatcom of the detailed model of power_dstatcom_pwm.mdl ? thankyou very much. ... 27 Apr 2010 01:03
SOM map dimensions, learning rate, number of iterations...... I am using the SOM toolbox and I would want to find out HOW to pass these inputs(map dimensions,initial and final learning rate, initial and final neighborhood size and also No. of Iterations) to the files in the SOM toolbox...and what files exactly am I supposed them to....I am using the som_demo4....any one with idea... 27 Apr 2010 01:03
power systems analysis-transient stability Hi, I need help on this fallowing code. I need a change so that there is damping on the power angle. The code is written for oscillatory stable. I would appreciate if you help me out. delta0=31*pi/180; X0=[delta0;0]; % Simulation time from 0 to 4 cycles. TCLEAR=0.2; TSPAN =0:0.01:TCLEAR; %call ODE solver to in... 26 Apr 2010 23:57
working with structures If I have for example: Sign(1).name = 'Aries'; Sign(1).startDate = 'March 21'; Sign(1).endDate = 'April 20'; In a excel file how would i have all the entries with that date range and then count it them? ex entry noob F March 21 noob2 F March 20 i would have to read from the excel file to start... 27 Apr 2010 01:03 |