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solving system of equations Hi Folks, I would be thankful for some hints how to solve a system of matrix equations some elements of which are restricted. B, C, E, Q - known (estimated) matrices, Q is symmetric A - unknown matrix, but some elements are restricted to be known A = [ ?, ?, ?; ?, ?, ?; ?, known, known] M - unknown matrix I... 26 Apr 2010 23:57
call by reference for calllib Hello, I am calling a dll using calllib. Here is the sample code: calllib('Library_name','tmain',inp_cmd); the C++ function header is defined as: __declspec(dllexport) double tmain(char* s) { return x; } In the above case I am returning one value. I now have to return multiple values so the C++ function... 27 Apr 2010 11:01
Question about bwmorph(BW,'dilate',n) and imdilate(BW,SE) What is the difference between using bwmorph(BW,'dilate',1) and using imdilate(BW,ones(3))? (Is there any advantage of using one over the other?) The bwmorph documentation states that it uses ones(3) as the structuring element. Both functions, when asking for a returned image BWret, return the same dilated imag... 27 Apr 2010 22:25
Error compiler MATLAB. Hi, everyone I've been trying to run an executable that believes in matlab but when I run it I get the following error: That was removed: sl_library_browser_repos \ toolbox \ physmod \ Simscape \ Simscape \ lb_simscape_icons_repos.rps then comes this: Verify file ownership and access permissions and retu... 26 Apr 2010 17:12
Hankel functions and symbolic toolbox environment Running MATLAB 7.9.0 (R2009b), I encountered something interesting: If you define the symbolic variable 'r', and then attempt to define a function, say f = besselh(0,1,r) Matlab states that "Arguments must be numeric". No such problem is encountered with besselj(0,r) or bessely(0,r). From page 358 of Abram... 26 Apr 2010 17:12
display image in Cartesian coordinates "xiong " <xionglei092292(a)> wrote in message <hjcals$ibb$1(a)>... "Bjorn Gustavsson" <bjonr(a)> wrote in message <hjc7sd$jhh$1(a)>... "xiong " <xionglei092292(a)> wrote in message <hjc3sd$5l6$1(a)>... Hello for everyone, I have a 200... 26 Apr 2010 17:12
image mosaic I am required to write a programme that combines two different images of the same picture. Say, a camera is capable of taking pictures within the scope of its viewfinder only. So it means that it cannot take a large picture or long picture with all the details fitted in one frame. I need to capture several takes ... 29 Apr 2010 22:34
real time display "Attila Kovacs" <kovacsek71.removeThis(a)> wrote in message <hr4kgo$s06$1(a)>... "Sean " <sean.dewolski(a)> wrote in message <hr4ghp$253$1(a)>... "Attila Kovacs" <kovacsek71.removeThis(a)> wrote in message <hr4d89$o3h$1(a)>..... 26 Apr 2010 16:03
dashed line in high resolution Hello, I use print command to save my figure in high resolution in jpeg format. This causes the length of the dashed line in my figure to reduce and it almost looks like a dotted line. Is there a way to avoid this without compromising on the resolution of the figure? The command I use is: print(h,'-r800','-djpeg','... 24 May 2010 10:07
draw a curve line hi plz any tell me how to make a curve line after get two point from an image ... 26 Apr 2010 16:03 |