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position/orientation question
I am given this question about the tacoma bridge collapse. For the first part you have to ask the user for two inputs, the wind velocity (in Km/h) and initial orientation (in degrees). Your program then has to calculate the position and current orientation over a time of your choice (and of intervals within that time ... 4 May 2010 02:26
neural net result
good morning everybody i have a small query i have designed a time delayed back propagation for my set of data, i have 10 set of data (basically time series),; now the problem is whenever i train the network with a data immideately it gives a good output , but after training with a new data the output in no more... 4 May 2010 00:14
simple thresholding
hi just a simple question. a=magic(4) a = 16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 4 14 15 1 [r,c]=find(a>13) r = 1 4 4 c = 1 2 3 Then I'd like only those data in r and c set to 255. How to do this... 4 May 2010 22:23
How can I add string to an integer matrix ??
Can you tell me how can I add string to a matrix. For this example I have this matrix : from=[1 ;2 ;4; 6; 7; 8 ] Now I want to add x to them so I have from=[x1;x2;x4;x6;x7;x8] when I add them, Matlab gave me answers in numbers not in string like this from=[x1;x2;x4;x6;x7;x8] tnx againt for your help. ... 4 May 2010 00:14
copy cell array to matrix (w/conversion)
I have a 500,000 x 3 cellarray with the first col being a sql server datetime string Is there a better way than shown below to copy the cell array to a matrix of the same dimension while converting the first col values to datenums mat=zeros(size(ca)); for k = 1:length(ca) mat(k,1) = datenum(ca{k,1}) ... 4 May 2010 12:19
running code for 22 hours now...
so i finally programmed and my code is working CORRECT. the instructor warned it could run for days depending on your scheme. Mine has run for at least 21 hrs now and I am fearing for my Mac Intel processor now. Looking at the rate of the decrease of my residuals (what i am solving for) I am just halfway there. Wha... 4 May 2010 14:33
Ui table data
Dear all I am using set(uitable,'data',data) command to put the data in table but it will set the data in entire table or in 1st n colomn. What I want to do is replace specific data in a particular column without affecting the other column data. For example there is N*3 data set in table; I want to change the entire ... 12 Jun 2010 17:05
Construir una funcion A-1 dada A utilizando LU
Hola todos: como veran soy principiante en matlab y ejecutando el programa que hice me resulve matrices de 2x2 pero a la hora de establecer matrices de 3x3 o mayores me arroja valores como NaN, Inf, -Inf por lo que puedo inferir que tengo el problema en las func. trinf y tris pero no se como solucionarlo. alguna ide... 3 May 2010 18:43
white gaussian noise
hello, need urgent help. can someone explain me how does the white gaussian noise works? can i simulate such a signal???... thank you, Artur ... 13 May 2010 19:22
Change code to do iFFT
I wrote the following code to compute a FFT in MATLAB. I have it working, and have confirmed its accuracy using MATLAB's built in FFT function. My question is, how can I change this to do an inverse FFT? CODE: function f = myfft(p,data) %1 if 2^(p+1)>length(data) if floor(log(length(da... 3 May 2010 18:43
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